Friends Forever
Tuesday, October 31 @ 7:02 PM
Dear Diiaryy..
What does "Friiends Forever" means to euu?
Erm,, till nw ii stiill dn't get the ans..
Am ii a bad friien??
ii haven't felt Friienz Love for just 1dAe..
Tapii kene iiya menghiilangg..
dAn tk tAu ntah pergii ke mAne..
ii owAes cry fer dEm.. but did dEy ever cry for me??
not even a single drop come out frm theiir eyes..
sumtiimes ii ever wonderr..
am ii ever to have no friienz iin tiiz werld??
iim sad to c ppl so hapii wiif friienz whiile im not..
no one to cheer me upp wen iim down..
haiiz.. maybe dey did show concern onlii ii didn't notiice??
well, tats iimposiiblle coz ii nvr seen dem treat me so speciiall before..
ii onlii see dem betrayiing me agaiin n agaiin..
wen dey found new bestfriienz.. dey jus push away the old one asiide..
my godd!! so cruel!!
but still ii don't have the heart to hate dem..
maybb iim stupiid tats y..
haiiz.. really mayb ii am..
To b Contiinuedd...
eLiizAd <33

Last dAe of skul!
Thursday, October 26 @ 6:50 PM

(Picture) Kt, Me, Shidot, Lisa At Fuji ice Palace// Ice Skatiing..
iits already the thiird day of raye..
todae was my last dae of skul..yiipee!!
well, not a good end accually..
my class go Fujii icE at jurong eAst entertaiinmEnt.. ice-skatiing..
ok Lahh.. Ferst tyMe go wiif cLazz.. &&frEnzz..
den i skated wiif adiiqa.. my bestiiest*..
den help liisa wiif her skater.. she keep falliing manyy tymes n we fiind iit fun to fall.. hAha..
so wE drop iit Lyke iits hOt..haha.
den skate wiif Mrs Sng for manyy rounds n distrub ppl hu don't know how to skated.. Hehe. notyy!
den got back to skool.. get pizza, KFC food n an apple juiice..
report book n result.. wad class i go next year is 3T1..
shidah n lisa wen in the same class as us.. but not kt.. we pityy hyr
suddenly, mr justin came in n cane 7 ppl in a row.. OMG!!!
ii was really so down n upset of dem.. my other bestiest seyy.. sediih ar.. sum onlii lar.
haiiz.. den got home n play my computer..
n OMG!! i have a bad sore throat..
a really bad one..
kk.. tAta.. tkcr..
camat harii raye..
eLiizAd :))

camat hari raye!
Wednesday, October 25 @ 5:43 PM
CAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIIR BATIIN to all my frens n famiily..
wOw!! cepat seyy dA rAye..
hEehe.. dAddy giivs me 50bucks for raye to me, my sis n bro..
den take photo.. click! click! click! off wE go to jln2 berAye 2gether.
contiinued next tyme..
Elnaa <33

Saturday, October 21 @ 1:56 PM
2morow, so manyy tynks wiill happen..
its my hero birthday :)
permiing my haiir :) maybe
our 6months reaLationshiip :)
n many more..
wOw!!! so many tynks to do..
harii rAya cuming, a few more dAes..
haven't prepare muchh..
tiis yr hari raya not fun Lar.. lyke not meriiah lyke tAt..
my hAnd kena cutt.. paiin. duh!!! of course..
iif hE know conferm ii kEna scolded.. =p
diie diie diie..
Later want to breAkfAst outsiide..
eAtiing KFC.. ii tynk iim eAtiing Fish-oLe.. MY FAV!!! yeAh!!
hAha.. hope Lar eAt at KFC.. my parents nie kadang2 buehh sehh =p
k Lar.. i stop here.. FULL STOP..
tAta.. tkcr :)
Elnaa =)

on 7 October..
Saturday, October 7 @ 10:12 PM
7 october..
me n boii planned to use the same shiirt..
den after tAt meet upp Adii Jepon, ahttap n hamka.. cos dey want to sent back the werk formed to the manager at KFC..
but den hamkaa fall den hiis legg skiin torn, so he goiing to clinic..
so he won'tt b followiing uss..
after tat call attap, dier baru bangon janji pukol 1 tapi 1.30 baru bangon..
so the three of uss like shyt sit down at carpark.. den daa mendak we walk2 go shidah house to take my present..
lisa n shidah gave me a round pillow wiif a princess on itt.. haha
den we meet attap n den we walk to busstop 962 to go to the place lar..
ermm, den after reach dere giiv the form all tat we walked around sunplaza.. siit outsiide sunplaza eat lollipop.. tk puase!! haha.. den around 6 like tat we go cozwae lar.. walked2 but den me n my boii go hiss grandparents house to take money to buke luar..
den after tat around 7 we are still in the bus haha.. den wen we reach cozwae all were packedd so we walked2 ferst..
den daa walked2 we go KFC, to eatt... den after eat me n hym walked2 den we found ourselves new nicckk haha.. no lar.. just play2 one..
Hell Boii &&Love AngeL
den around 9 plus we walked home lar..
at fun faiir saw shikin,lan, sibel n more.. shikin ajak me n my boii to naek the boat tuu but den no money so don't go lar..
den walked2 cannot see clearly lar.. haze ryte? iim worriied abt hym coz his house so far.. im afraiid..
After he sent me home ii saiid to hym to take care n don't walk near the streets and walk at where u can see don't walked where the haze is so damn blurr..
haiiz.. iim woriied abt hym..
take care eu, notynk will happen to eu.. =)
eLiizAd foreva <33

todae was muii unluckky dAe =(
Friday, October 6 @ 11:03 PM
6 october..
bAd dAe, worst dAe, unluckky dAe..
OMG.. fuckk arh.. hmm.. let me tell eu readers wad happen...
kk.. in da morning wad quite ok lar..
todae was my art exam..
ii tynk i done quite well as manyy ppl say my drawiing was nt so bad..
den after my exam ii end at 9.30 ii went to kt house.. leapk2 lar..
den tgk vcd2.. around 12.30 like tat we all went home..
ii meet izad den after tat want to go library..
otw dere.. mcm a few blk away frm my blk we saw adiiqa,hamka n attap.. we tot they want to go home rupernyer dorang tunggu kite darii pukol 11+ at the library but we did't turn up..
hAhaha.. ciian dorangg..
den suddenly saw jordan n his fwen maen bola pat bawah blk uh..
den, adi n my boi sound hym.. den je wants to meet izad one to one to tak abt me.. haiiz..
den after tok2.. we all go library larr.. den adi told ur dier dpt keje..
kk.. LET MAKE IT SHORT.. after library we were caught on the camera tat we were being noisy n wad so eva in the library.. n we are not allow to go in the library anymore lar.. fuck lar..
den me n my cyg go buke at cozwae poiint..
here is went my bad luck start..
we eat at pasta mania..
ferst clumsy came..
ii drop some cheese at my shorts.. den my folk drop down the ground..
n tat was embrassing.. xD
den after tat went walkiing wif him at cozwae poiint..
ferst ii saw my aunty at there n den meet my teachers..
den worst came went otw home, saw my sis bf wiif my brother..
goossh!!.. iim so iinto troblee.. now iim really scaredd.
ii dn't knw wad to do.. ii really don;t...
kk.. ii done wad ii hav to say..
ii betta sleep early bfore they ask anything to me..
don't want to b in trouble lar..
kk.. nytez everyone.. tkcr!! thnx fer readiing my blogg niiwae :)
kk.. bye!!
eLiizad <33

library day2..
Thursday, October 5 @ 6:59 PM
17 more days..
just now was my Maths paper..
Paper 1 was easy but abiit low comfiident.. still no confiident on passing..
Paper 2 was hard.. my head was blank only 3 pages i got confident n another 2 i have no confiident at all.. so scaredd..
after my paper..
i went to library with my boi, farhan, errie n hussien.. we walk around at cozwae ferst while waiting for kak ais n kak nynie..
den after tat we went straight to the library..
ferst we go sit2 den we talk2 suddenly hussien told me wad farham say so like "act2" merajok lar me n my boi go other place..
padahal we go sit below.. den namapk adiqa, ahtap n hamka so sit wif dem for a while lar..
den how many minutes or so, we naik balek den nampak banyak org yg kite kenal..
hehe.. den we went down back bcoz farhan, errie, hussien, kak nynie n kak ais wants to go lepakk at tekongg..
den around 6 like tat me, my boi n adiqa went back home together..
i guess izad was angry wiif me..
iim scaredd.. ii dnt know wad to do..
erm.. kk.. stop here.. bye!! tkcr!!
:: to izad iim really sorry.. pls forgive me.. dnt b angry ok?
eLizzad <33

outt to the library wiif bestiest..
Wednesday, October 4 @ 9:21 PM
todae was my sciience paper..
iit was fuckiing hardd.. ii can't do the Sectiion B.
ii aniihow ans the questiion.. OMG! ii tiink iim goiin to faiil tat subjectt.
erm,, after my maths paper.. i went home n i zad went home.. we get changedd n went straiggh too the wdls library to meet adii,hamka, ahtup n shiida..
den after meet dem izad n ii wen to one coner to studyy ourself..
coz no more place to siit so siit coner2 lar..
den a few miinutes, dey all come n siit around uss..
hmm, dey sae me n izad all study hard all tt uhh. hehe..
den after tat, ahtup antar shidah meet lisa n kt to buy kt present @ cozwae..
so leftt me,izad, hamka n adiiqa.. but den hamka ask adi out to go bazzaar at the end only left me n izad laa..
we oso jage theiir tiinks for dem.. hAaha.. den one-by-one came back..
siit together laugh together boredd together..
erm, den we bored so walk around the library we went to level 4..
wa liioa.. so manyy ppl siia.. all ii tk knl.. but den ALL smiile at me as iif they knw me like tat.. weiird.. scaryy.. den keep lookiing at me n waiit till i looked at dem but den ii nvr look back.. we went down back..
den siit at our same place n contiined wad we did..
den around 3+ like tat adiiqa sent shikin home.. den hamka n ahtup went home.. den suddenly adiqa come back ask for hamka.. den i sae they went ack home already laa.. coz ct wants to go back wif him.. haha.. ciian diier..
hmm.. den daa TERLALU boredd me n izad walked arounf cozwae, met so many fimiliar faces dere;;..
den around 6.15 meet adi in front of civic building to giv back his bag..
erm, after tat he went home.. me n izad eat at kfc lar..
n OMG!! i drop my $4 on the ground.. who is lucku enuf to get it..
well, i tiink i drop it at library lar.. but den haiiyahh.. not sure ler..
it isi mpossible to lose it u know.. i don't even "kluarkn"anithing from my bag pon.. strangedd.. =( but sadd..
den went home at 8 den teros onliine.. haha.. now so siian.. want to sliip early laa today..
kk.. till here.. bye!! tata.. take care!!
eLiizad <33

Angrry wiif those biitcheSs..
Tuesday, October 3 @ 6:50 PM
iiM hEre nw to tell eu All tat ii was fcuk upp wiit theSe "ppl"
odvisiouly they Are a girls..
iin my whole lyfe they really are the WORST "ppl" ii ever have..
they erritates me..
they sux to the core..
ii juss hate dem badly..
i wiish ii nvr knew dem..
unless they changed den ii wud forgiive dem n be bck to normall
iff onlyy!!..
biingiit sak..
Puase2 bikiin org mrh.. haiiz..
eLiizad <33

Monday, October 2 @ 8:45 PM
wEn to skOol wiif my boii..
2morow is dA second pAper alreAdy..
my eng pAper wAs ok La.. iiM sure i cAn pAss my Eng pAper.. =))
tiiz dAes i've bEen feeLiing dwn..
its abt the other dAe of my incidEnt..
i won't share if here..
its tOo paiinfull to forgett.. ii knw iit my faultt.. i admiit iit..
ii don't wnt to tell aniione Lar..
iim scAred.. ii don't knw yy..
i fEel lykecryiing all da time sumtiimes wen i reacalled back..
My boyfriiend sAes i've chAngedd..
iim now no more laughing.. owaes sAd n down..
Now ii realiisedd iiM TOO emotiional..
now, in sch ii don't smile at ppl aniimore.. ii wud jus stared at dem n looked away..
ii don't know yy.. now ii gt tiiz face of sadness..
Stop here..
End!! Tkcr!!
eLiizAd <33