Monday, October 2 @ 8:45 PM
wEn to skOol wiif my boii..
2morow is dA second pAper alreAdy..
my eng pAper wAs ok La.. iiM sure i cAn pAss my Eng pAper.. =))
tiiz dAes i've bEen feeLiing dwn..
its abt the other dAe of my incidEnt..
i won't share if here..
its tOo paiinfull to forgett.. ii knw iit my faultt.. i admiit iit..
ii don't wnt to tell aniione Lar..
iim scAred.. ii don't knw yy..
i fEel lykecryiing all da time sumtiimes wen i reacalled back..
My boyfriiend sAes i've chAngedd..
iim now no more laughing.. owaes sAd n down..
Now ii realiisedd iiM TOO emotiional..
now, in sch ii don't smile at ppl aniimore.. ii wud jus stared at dem n looked away..
ii don't know yy.. now ii gt tiiz face of sadness..
Stop here..
End!! Tkcr!!
eLiizAd <33