Friends Forever
Tuesday, October 31 @ 7:02 PM
Dear Diiaryy..
What does "Friiends Forever" means to euu?
Erm,, till nw ii stiill dn't get the ans..
Am ii a bad friien??
ii haven't felt Friienz Love for just 1dAe..
Tapii kene iiya menghiilangg..
dAn tk tAu ntah pergii ke mAne..
ii owAes cry fer dEm.. but did dEy ever cry for me??
not even a single drop come out frm theiir eyes..
sumtiimes ii ever wonderr..
am ii ever to have no friienz iin tiiz werld??
iim sad to c ppl so hapii wiif friienz whiile im not..
no one to cheer me upp wen iim down..
haiiz.. maybe dey did show concern onlii ii didn't notiice??
well, tats iimposiiblle coz ii nvr seen dem treat me so speciiall before..
ii onlii see dem betrayiing me agaiin n agaiin..
wen dey found new bestfriienz.. dey jus push away the old one asiide..
my godd!! so cruel!!
but still ii don't have the heart to hate dem..
maybb iim stupiid tats y..
haiiz.. really mayb ii am..
To b Contiinuedd...
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