outt to the library wiif bestiest..
Wednesday, October 4 @ 9:21 PM
todae was my sciience paper..
iit was fuckiing hardd.. ii can't do the Sectiion B.
ii aniihow ans the questiion.. OMG! ii tiink iim goiin to faiil tat subjectt.
erm,, after my maths paper.. i went home n i zad went home.. we get changedd n went straiggh too the wdls library to meet adii,hamka, ahtup n shiida..
den after meet dem izad n ii wen to one coner to studyy ourself..
coz no more place to siit so siit coner2 lar..
den a few miinutes, dey all come n siit around uss..
hmm, dey sae me n izad all study hard all tt uhh. hehe..
den after tat, ahtup antar shidah meet lisa n kt to buy kt present @ cozwae..
so leftt me,izad, hamka n adiiqa.. but den hamka ask adi out to go bazzaar at the end only left me n izad laa..
we oso jage theiir tiinks for dem.. hAaha.. den one-by-one came back..
siit together laugh together boredd together..
erm, den we bored so walk around the library we went to level 4..
wa liioa.. so manyy ppl siia.. all ii tk knl.. but den ALL smiile at me as iif they knw me like tat.. weiird.. scaryy.. den keep lookiing at me n waiit till i looked at dem but den ii nvr look back.. we went down back..
den siit at our same place n contiined wad we did..
den around 3+ like tat adiiqa sent shikin home.. den hamka n ahtup went home.. den suddenly adiqa come back ask for hamka.. den i sae they went ack home already laa.. coz ct wants to go back wif him.. haha.. ciian diier..
hmm.. den daa TERLALU boredd me n izad walked arounf cozwae, met so many fimiliar faces dere;;..
den around 6.15 meet adi in front of civic building to giv back his bag..
erm, after tat he went home.. me n izad eat at kfc lar..
n OMG!! i drop my $4 on the ground.. who is lucku enuf to get it..
well, i tiink i drop it at library lar.. but den haiiyahh.. not sure ler..
it isi mpossible to lose it u know.. i don't even "kluarkn"anithing from my bag pon.. strangedd.. =( but sadd..
den went home at 8 den teros onliine.. haha.. now so siian.. want to sliip early laa today..
kk.. till here.. bye!! tata.. take care!!
eLiizad <33