happy kan bodoh
Wednesday, September 29 @ 7:34 PM
I wanna blog but i got nothing to blog.
Hmpff. Well.. I don't know!
I'm gonna private my blog for awhile.
Do tag, while eu still can. or at least formspring me ;))
I Need Strawberry Chocolateeee, or maybe a ice cream sound good.

Or maybe all i need is a hug to heal.
Hmpff. Well.. I don't know!
I'm gonna private my blog for awhile.
Do tag, while eu still can. or at least formspring me ;))
I Need Strawberry Chocolateeee, or maybe a ice cream sound good.

Or maybe all i need is a hug to heal.
Labels: random

tkmo kepo please
Monday, September 27 @ 11:55 AM
Labels: random

@ 11:37 AM
Labels: random

rambot lawarr
Thursday, September 16 @ 6:46 PM

So what's new ?
Nothing, for me.
So yesterday was my last paper and my last day in Ite Macpherson.
So no more going to to Singpore post for Mac Value lunch or ljs or kfc.
hehe. kk whatever.
After paper, went to Tamp 1 cause one of my friend wanted to get her kicks. after which we all change in the toilet dgn muke balek skola and kasot skola, we went to town. Lol-ing.
Walk around, do hair den eat kfc inside the saloon.
Orang dier gerek! heehe! kite beli baju and kasot try2 dlm kedai dier, dier tk kesah and join in jugak. haha!
den bf fetch me at the busstop den we go home.
he fetch me at 9.20 but i reach home at 12+. Loling.
Enjoy the pictures.
and comment on my hair, cuz i dont like it .

SEE!! Bella hair.

Ni, fizah hair !

And this one, Zara hairr !

And today, sesungguhnyer aku blom makan.
Yes kalau aku blom makan, aku buat peragai. HAHA!
bye. Love love.

Ni, fizah hair !

And this one, Zara hairr !

And today, sesungguhnyer aku blom makan.
Yes kalau aku blom makan, aku buat peragai. HAHA!
bye. Love love.
Labels: Bf, highlight, ite classmates, ite macpherson, KFC, Tm, Town

someone got my baby
Tuesday, September 7 @ 4:08 PM
I was thinking about her
I'm thinking about me
I'm thinking about us
Where we gonna be
Open my eyes And realize that
it was only just a dream

YAY !!

And i want this pink room in my new house please?
ok bye.
this is called random posting.
gonna get ready for werq now.
ohh, and i didnt went to school.
I woke up at 8 den sleep back, den someone call at 9.30 and i guess its too late to go school den i sleep back all the way till 1.23 when someone call me again. HAHA!
ok bye, someone just officially call me a Lazy girl.
ok bye.
this is called random posting.
gonna get ready for werq now.
ohh, and i didnt went to school.
I woke up at 8 den sleep back, den someone call at 9.30 and i guess its too late to go school den i sleep back all the way till 1.23 when someone call me again. HAHA!
ok bye, someone just officially call me a Lazy girl.
Labels: ite classmates, love, memories, pandan, pink room, random, school, werq

r a y a
Saturday, September 4 @ 6:51 PM
Not going to post anything about you,
because you're not worth it. Winkz ;)

Hello, yours truly here.
Just got back from werq, not really la.
I finish at 3 den meet my mama at lot 1, she go change her shoe size.
Den my daddy fetch us there, go marsling.
Buy bottle drinks for raya !
The flavour all i choose. Cheeytt!
Tengok tuuuuu, eye bag.
boleh simpan duit seyyy.
Slalu bergantung dkat phone malam2.
Tsktsk. No more ok ica, no more. :]

And this year raya, i don't think im going to perm it or rebond it or highlight it or colour it or do something crazy. Maybe?
See the mood!
Oh and after sooo long, today is like the how many times i fast.
Clap hands. I havent been fasting, because i is simply lazy.
Ok la, gonna break fast like really soon, less than 12minutes.
I am so starving because i didn't wake up this morning and i only had Hotdogs and juice last night. Got to go.
Love ya.
Labels: Family, just hair, random, werq, werqfriends

Hari Raye
Wednesday, September 1 @ 9:13 PM

Hey people Puase Lagi 8 hari yerr..Lepas tu HARI RAYE!!! yesssaaa!!!!
Well people, every day a human being named 'Zan a.k.a Batman Kering would sing
or wad we call "shiok Sendiri" lagu HARI RAYE dkt tengah2 dunia yerr( i am meaning in e middle of workshop)
or wad we call "shiok Sendiri" lagu HARI RAYE dkt tengah2 dunia yerr( i am meaning in e middle of workshop)
Memang agak rumit ehk utk puan2 dan tuan2 nk paham tapi tk pe kiter mesti ingat RAYE da dekat..Woohooo!!
As i was saying Hari Raye dah dkt ...
So kepade umat umat Islam yang tercinta YOU know wad tat means right??
Walaupon kiter ni umur da 18 years tua tapi tk mengape yerr...
Tuhan kate rezeki jgn ditolak, $2 still DUIT kn..??
... Ape lagi jgn Tunggu dan Jgn Wait ...
Juz GRAB MONEY people okay!!!
amacm Plan bagos tk?? ;)
Okay itu saje saye nk ckp
Wa Taufiq Wa Hidayah Wassalammualaikum Warrahmatullahhi wa Barakattuh
Enjoy People and Selamat Hari Raye Maaf Zahir dan ilmu Batin
["ehem ehem" duit raye jgn LUPER hehehe =)]

@ 3:30 PM

love the colour!
Macam nk highlight jer, macam nk potong rambot jerr.
Ni macam hint hint jer.
winks winkssszzzszsz!
Labels: cut hair, highlight, random

i just did
@ 12:25 PM
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever
Heyyyyyyy!! I wanted to update yesterday but i don't know what i did.
So here is goes.
This one was on the Monday!
As usual school at 9, i think we reach quite early than any the other days.
We reach at 9.30? i think so.
Den did nothing liike seriously.
Ohh, we had Thoery Mock test!
lol, didnt even study siaaaaaaaaaaaa, and left all saq question blank.
I answered the mcq only and den i sleep.
Just when i received the paper, i sddenly felt sleppy.
So ya lahh, i woke up den i look2 around den i ston while people is like talking to me.
HAHA. den pass the teacher the paper, i told him i don't know.
den the teacher told us the answer for mcq because almost all didnt do the saq den class end.
After dhat, went to Jp to werq lor.
Short of manpower!
Like crazy i tell eu, but fun.
This one was on the Monday!
As usual school at 9, i think we reach quite early than any the other days.
We reach at 9.30? i think so.
Den did nothing liike seriously.
Ohh, we had Thoery Mock test!
lol, didnt even study siaaaaaaaaaaaa, and left all saq question blank.
I answered the mcq only and den i sleep.
Just when i received the paper, i sddenly felt sleppy.
So ya lahh, i woke up den i look2 around den i ston while people is like talking to me.
HAHA. den pass the teacher the paper, i told him i don't know.
den the teacher told us the answer for mcq because almost all didnt do the saq den class end.
After dhat, went to Jp to werq lor.
Short of manpower!
Like crazy i tell eu, but fun.

Ok and this was Tuesday.
Same class start at 9 but i think we reach just on time went the Practical test started.
Everyone is like having their Teacher's day celebration while we are doing test.
Sodehh! Oh we reach sch, everyone is like gg home.

Tie hair lor, inside aircon room also can feel the warmness.
hahaha. random.
Today is wednesday!!
And its a school holiday.
wtf, sungguh wtf seriously.
Ite got sch holiday, how come during nitec my teacher say..
" this is a post secondary/ite, we dont celebrate teachers day anymore"
but still, who care. i didnt come to school too. haha!
Ok bye, i wanna rest den go werq later.
Oh yesterday someone encourage me to continue fasting because only left less than 10 days mahh. He say he wanna wake me up in the morning.
Cheat my feelings sey! Grr.
Hungry now!
Labels: Fasting, ite classmates, random, school, Teacher's Day, test