Hari Raye
Wednesday, September 1 @ 9:13 PM

Hey people Puase Lagi 8 hari yerr..Lepas tu HARI RAYE!!! yesssaaa!!!!
Well people, every day a human being named 'Zan a.k.a Batman Kering would sing
or wad we call "shiok Sendiri" lagu HARI RAYE dkt tengah2 dunia yerr( i am meaning in e middle of workshop)
or wad we call "shiok Sendiri" lagu HARI RAYE dkt tengah2 dunia yerr( i am meaning in e middle of workshop)
Memang agak rumit ehk utk puan2 dan tuan2 nk paham tapi tk pe kiter mesti ingat RAYE da dekat..Woohooo!!
As i was saying Hari Raye dah dkt ...
So kepade umat umat Islam yang tercinta YOU know wad tat means right??
Walaupon kiter ni umur da 18 years tua tapi tk mengape yerr...
Tuhan kate rezeki jgn ditolak, $2 still DUIT kn..??
... Ape lagi jgn Tunggu dan Jgn Wait ...
Juz GRAB MONEY people okay!!!
amacm Plan bagos tk?? ;)
Okay itu saje saye nk ckp
Wa Taufiq Wa Hidayah Wassalammualaikum Warrahmatullahhi wa Barakattuh
Enjoy People and Selamat Hari Raye Maaf Zahir dan ilmu Batin
["ehem ehem" duit raye jgn LUPER hehehe =)]