Wednesday, October 29 @ 8:10 PM
So yes, obviously, i change my blogskins. Actually, i love when it comes to the welcome note. So readers don't miss it, eu see! But don't worry, it is only temporary bcos i still love dinosaur's theme. Woooo~
Yeah so today, in the morning i went out.
Macam biase jugak, mcm tktau gitu kann. Yeah elna, tell me sometynk i don't know.
Mum woke me up at 11plus, ask whether i wanna follow hyr go causeway so i go get ready. Den met Nenek Yati &Baby Ain at the entrace of causeway point.
Go banquet straight, find place and den eat.
I have not had Chicken Chop at the Western Shop so yup, i ate dhat for late breakfast. Haha!
Saw Shahaa &Hidayah and ofcourse alot of fimiliar faces.
Den walk2 all around causeway. Sriously, nothing to see. Everytynk see already. Dhat's why i hate causeway point but the think is, i still keep going there. Hmpff!
And also went out to the pasar malam, agaen! Mum bought some food den the weather change and change agaen till the thing up there, the tent nye shelter or atap or whatever dhat goddamit name is, flying and doing waves. Sriously, it is so scary to stand in the pasar malam in dhat kind of heavy wind blowing.
Let me share this conversation with eu ppl.
My mum wanted to buy burger ramli, but the guy say, cannot masak bcoz don't have electric.
So we bought the other foodstuff den we pay the food and the guy there was actually talking to hymself knowing dhat we would recognise hym,
The staller: Wahh, tad tkde electric sbab angin rebot tibe2 hujan lebat da lah gelap tu abeh skrg panas terik, baek2 nnt kene sambar petir. Sape2 ade buat dose dgn makbapak cpat telephone dorang skrang.
Dalahh my mum and i was laughing our ass off abt the jokeee.
And all dhat man can do is just smileee :)
Den we buseed home and time flies, it was already 6plus. *poout*
Met boyfie at the gate, he wanted to past me the mp3 and den he went off to trainingg.
Anybody got plans? Wanna go out tomorrow? I wanna go out! Anybodyyyy??
Ok, i'm officially done. I got nothing to share anymore. I got nothing to say. Except this, Goodbye!
Labels: random

Tuesday, October 28 @ 12:18 PM
So today i got to spend abit of my tyme updating.And i'm gonna warn eu people it is gonna be a vry vry long post. If you dont't want to stay now, oh pls leave. Haha!
Nahh, just kidding.
Nahh, just kidding.
Let's start with 23Oct (no picture)
We were supposed to visit my mum's mum at NUH hospital. My aunt came to our house at about 10plus and we all wasn't ready so she waited for us, den she asked my mum to do the "cabot-uban" while waiting for me to mandi and all dhat den without realizing it, it was already 3+pm den you know, we changed plan. We went Jurongpoint instead of going NUH. haha! I bought another plain Giordano tee. Den went home.
Now, 24Oct

As planned, gf-es and i went to Bugis street &Tampiness mall.
We wanted to spend our time together for the last(maybe) time before anything happens or maybe before ite lyfe starts. And we are not sure if we all are going to the same ite with each other.
Ok so, Ferst we went to Bugis Street bcoz Catty wanted to survey some jeans and after dhat Catty was lyke shouting helplessly for LongJohnSilver so yes, we headed to the LJS to fill our empty stomach and then we trained to Tampiness. In the train, we so fcuking noisy. Laugh here laugh there hold hand together block everyone walking towards us, make fun to people but at the end, gf-es dosent even enjoy the day. Sedih siot member! Den tampiness mall was boring, while we were walking Shidot suddenly ter-stop infront of X-craft and said, "Huh! This is the right time" den she shouted ous names. Werid kan kitenyer shidot? So we did, bought a friendship-band and den we bus-ed to woodlands and then we slack for lyke 10mins at the Civic garden there bcoz Liskie got to rush back home. Catty even asked me, why i have been clipping up my fringe for the last few days she saw me. Haha!
Den, mum called me up, then i meet mum at causeway point walk2 den saw this people in clown outfit. Naiya took picture with them. And den headed home at around 10+pm.

Next, 25Oct

Mum and dad had to meet sis &bro-in-law at Pasir ris for the idkw course. So me and my small adeq is left at home (tak masok bibik and atok, ofcourse).
Then, at 2 mum call and ask me and naiya to meet hyr at at the IKEA busstop at 3pm. So i asked naiya to mandi and i get packed her baju and milk all that. Then we took bus 168. And then meet mum as planned. When i boardd the bus, it was pack with people so since it was double decker, i went up. Saw this two empty sit, so i sit there lor. Haha!
Then, walked around IKEA to just survey on what i'm gonna buy for my new bed. And also we bought a birthday present for Umairah too.

Den, we went to Ehub! Otw, to Ehub saw this coolcute car *pointing above*, more lyke a golf car, right? Ok, We took a Ferris Wheel. Wohoo~ My mum was scared to look down and whenever she does dhhat, she would say "termasok perot akuu!" Haha! I was laughing at her, bcoz eu should really see her cramp face. Ok kidding! Hehe!
After dhat, we went to Downtown east and naiya took on some kiddy rides. And then we went to Changi for our dinner. We had Nasi Ayam Penyet, Nasi lemak and Horfun is it? Yummeh! All those yummy foods and then, headed home.
Ohya, while we were at the bridge, saw this bigbig Impossible sign in the sea and i took the picture of it. See see!

Ok now, 26Oct
Guess where we go? Jurong East Swimming Complex! Haha!
Wow, i'm getting darker now. But who cares, i'm having fun spend my holidays whaat~
Then in the afternoon we went home straight, bcoz atok wanted to stay at Admiralty house there.
So, we moved everything from Woodlands to Admiralty back. And then, went home. I watched Pulau Hantu at okto channel, ALONE. It was from 10-12am. Here's the silly part. I watch it alone, get it? The show start at 10pm but i watch it at 10.06pm till 11.35pm because i was already too scared to continue watching the rest of the part. Padahal its lyke gonna end 20mins like dhat kan, i wonder how i survived watching it for the past 1plusplus hour. Haha! Silly silly me!

And the lastly, 27Oct

So where did i went yesterday?Ohhh, we went to Umairah 3rd Birthday party.
It was so hard to take a picture of the birthday girl alone ok?! They are so playfull! But i managed to snap it with Naiya.
After dhat, i went to meet up with my sis &bro-in-law at Jurong Point. Wow, i could say dhat place on dhat day is packed with Banglaa ok?! Ohh, it was deepavali kan. Haiyoooh! And the central park infront of Jp was full with banglas too yg berasmarah dama and mostly lying under the tree. Hahaa!
Den, mum fetch us at the pick up point. While waiting for them, saw my sis dancing so hillariously ok?! My sis husband who started singing the hippo song.
Eu know the hippo &the dog soong. Hahaa! Laugh until my stomach soo saket sehh!
So we decided to walk at the pasar malam, outside causeway point.
Still the same only there, except for one stall. The africans shop, where they sell handmade necklace all dhat. And i bought sometynk for myself. And den went home and sleep. Haha!

Wow, see how i'm spending my quality time on my holidays.
So the shiook man. I love holidays!
And i think what i'm gonna say is true,
muke my family tkde nak dudok rumahnyeee. Haha!
And ofcourse Today, 28Oct
Mum already went out go chitchat with hyr friends at Causeway banquet.
Sister &Bro-in-law is getting ready to go back to serangoon.
Mum is now back home and now, getting ready to go out again for hyr sewing lessons.
Bro is out, werking i guess?
And me? Waiting for boyfie to finish hys class at 3pm and den gonna meet hym later! Wohooo~
Tata titi tutuu!
Labels: Family, girlfriends, outings, Umairah's birthday

Thursday, October 23 @ 12:18 PM

(not edited)
He took my picture &i took hys.
Look! He took my picture so close, my face so oval! My god.
He took my picture &i took hys.
Look! He took my picture so close, my face so oval! My god.
So we celebrated hys birthday and also our anniversary too. Yayy! I had soo much funn! Yesterday was the best ok! D wanted to spend the whole day only with me, he didnt even want to go school. What can i say? It's hys birthday. So, we met up at 2pm, rain or shine still 2pm! den trained to dobby den to Vivocityy den to Somerset den to Taka den to Orchard den to Heeren den to FarEast. Haha! Padahal sume same tempat. Otw to FarEast, i bump into Umirah! Ok, we did bump into alot of dd's school/coursemate. And everyone would ask th same question, it's either "kau nk g mane?" or "asal tk g skola?"
Trained home at around 10plus gaknyee. He sent me till the 900busstop den meet bibik den went home. I hope eu like my present dear!
Trained home at around 10plus gaknyee. He sent me till the 900busstop den meet bibik den went home. I hope eu like my present dear!
Labels: dinosaur's birthday

Tuesday, October 21 @ 12:52 PM

So today, i was bored at home and got nothing better to do.
My sister ask me to get ready and meet hyr at causeway at 3pm but she msg me at 2.50 saying dhat she change hyr mind. What?!
went to vista to buy some pasar stuff bcoz my mum ask me to, bcoz my mum got to rush to th hospital bcoz of hyr mum. Get it?
Later, i went to meet up with gf-es! So long nvr meet sehh. They are th ones who keeps me from getting bored. Haha! But then, liskie got to rush to fetch hyr adeq and Catty is late for hyr meeting for the tkc thingy so th rc was left with me &shidot. So we decided to kill tyme walking at a place where catty &liskie don't know. Haha! We dont know where to go, so we just follow where our feet takes us to. Not forgetting, Shidot suddenly decided to hit to th library and read some books, she even borrow th books. Love story somemore.
I had been clipping up my fringe for th past 3 days, right? Bile tyme skola cikgu suroh clip fringe taknak, bile da tak skola baru nak clip fringe. Mentel punye budak. *yakdushh*
Oh ok done about today.
I manage to upload this picture dhat eu ppl are about to see.
So ytd, we celebrated Makteh bdae at Tamp Mall, Seoul Garden! Yummeh.
Enjoy the piccy (:

Labels: Family, girlfriends, Makteh's birthday, seoul garden