Wednesday, October 29 @ 8:10 PM
So yes, obviously, i change my blogskins. Actually, i love when it comes to the welcome note. So readers don't miss it, eu see! But don't worry, it is only temporary bcos i still love dinosaur's theme. Woooo~
Yeah so today, in the morning i went out.
Macam biase jugak, mcm tktau gitu kann. Yeah elna, tell me sometynk i don't know.
Mum woke me up at 11plus, ask whether i wanna follow hyr go causeway so i go get ready. Den met Nenek Yati &Baby Ain at the entrace of causeway point.
Go banquet straight, find place and den eat.
I have not had Chicken Chop at the Western Shop so yup, i ate dhat for late breakfast. Haha!
Saw Shahaa &Hidayah and ofcourse alot of fimiliar faces.
Den walk2 all around causeway. Sriously, nothing to see. Everytynk see already. Dhat's why i hate causeway point but the think is, i still keep going there. Hmpff!
And also went out to the pasar malam, agaen! Mum bought some food den the weather change and change agaen till the thing up there, the tent nye shelter or atap or whatever dhat goddamit name is, flying and doing waves. Sriously, it is so scary to stand in the pasar malam in dhat kind of heavy wind blowing.
Let me share this conversation with eu ppl.
My mum wanted to buy burger ramli, but the guy say, cannot masak bcoz don't have electric.
So we bought the other foodstuff den we pay the food and the guy there was actually talking to hymself knowing dhat we would recognise hym,
The staller: Wahh, tad tkde electric sbab angin rebot tibe2 hujan lebat da lah gelap tu abeh skrg panas terik, baek2 nnt kene sambar petir. Sape2 ade buat dose dgn makbapak cpat telephone dorang skrang.
Dalahh my mum and i was laughing our ass off abt the jokeee.
And all dhat man can do is just smileee :)
Den we buseed home and time flies, it was already 6plus. *poout*
Met boyfie at the gate, he wanted to past me the mp3 and den he went off to trainingg.
Anybody got plans? Wanna go out tomorrow? I wanna go out! Anybodyyyy??
Ok, i'm officially done. I got nothing to share anymore. I got nothing to say. Except this, Goodbye!
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