Tuesday, October 21 @ 12:52 PM

So today, i was bored at home and got nothing better to do.
My sister ask me to get ready and meet hyr at causeway at 3pm but she msg me at 2.50 saying dhat she change hyr mind. What?!
went to vista to buy some pasar stuff bcoz my mum ask me to, bcoz my mum got to rush to th hospital bcoz of hyr mum. Get it?
Later, i went to meet up with gf-es! So long nvr meet sehh. They are th ones who keeps me from getting bored. Haha! But then, liskie got to rush to fetch hyr adeq and Catty is late for hyr meeting for the tkc thingy so th rc was left with me &shidot. So we decided to kill tyme walking at a place where catty &liskie don't know. Haha! We dont know where to go, so we just follow where our feet takes us to. Not forgetting, Shidot suddenly decided to hit to th library and read some books, she even borrow th books. Love story somemore.
I had been clipping up my fringe for th past 3 days, right? Bile tyme skola cikgu suroh clip fringe taknak, bile da tak skola baru nak clip fringe. Mentel punye budak. *yakdushh*
Oh ok done about today.
I manage to upload this picture dhat eu ppl are about to see.
So ytd, we celebrated Makteh bdae at Tamp Mall, Seoul Garden! Yummeh.
Enjoy the piccy (:

Labels: Family, girlfriends, Makteh's birthday, seoul garden