Friday, August 29 @ 8:17 PM
but the best part was,
but the best part was,
. . .for graduating classes but it's not official yet.
Cause we are yet to take our N level exams lahh.
So if we want to come for revision can, don't want also can.
School today was great, superb!
They really plan everything so good.
I love the show especially the 5N dance.
but i hate the dance after th 5n had perform sbab. . .
I know, Boyfie know, gf-es know, You don't know.
The celebration was great, my mood was great.
but when the concert ended, my mood change. fcuk!
Its all bcoz of
After school, meet dinosaur.
Da lame gituu tk jumper dier, so yeah we two talk alot.
So many things to catch up wf each other.
2mrw i am invited to come for d's big sister nye anak birthday party.
Gonna have lots of funn.
And i hope Indra love what eLiizAd is going to giv hym (:
Cause we are yet to take our N level exams lahh.
So if we want to come for revision can, don't want also can.
School today was great, superb!
They really plan everything so good.
I love the show especially the 5N dance.
but i hate the dance after th 5n had perform sbab. . .
I know, Boyfie know, gf-es know, You don't know.
The celebration was great, my mood was great.
but when the concert ended, my mood change. fcuk!
Its all bcoz of
- Hyr
- Them
- & the other them
After school, meet dinosaur.
Da lame gituu tk jumper dier, so yeah we two talk alot.
So many things to catch up wf each other.
2mrw i am invited to come for d's big sister nye anak birthday party.
Gonna have lots of funn.
And i hope Indra love what eLiizAd is going to giv hym (:
Bagos per ade kawan gini..?

Tuesday, August 26 @ 4:13 PM
It's been so so so so long since i last update.
Baru 3 daes, lame ke?
And i think my tagboard is
Otay! Todae school was normal. Normal routine jugaak.
English, Ms N nvr come
den 4 periods of P.E,
Science, Mrs L nvr come also.
Maths, talk talk.
So i tynk, todae we had 6/7 free periods.
So yes, i think my class should love today bcoz all th boys were lyke playing psp and th teachers are lyke busy talking among themself.
I even heard my classmate say,
"wah! best siak skola maen psp je, da 1jam nie" (sometynk lyke dhat)
Ohya, Maths lessons.
I really don't get what my teacher is trying to tell us.
She keep on repeating this sentence,
"I know you people might think that i mark those exam pprs slowly, im busy and so on. For example, he ask me dhat tyme and i answers truthfully. And this person too. I know you people might think that i'm slow. But you know whatever you say might affect the others"
and there she goes, repeating again again again and again.
Me & gf-es at the back keep on saying, what are you trying to say?
What's the moral of the story? This and dhat.
Even my other classmate say, i don't understand wad eu are trying to say lah chear.
And the best part is, until now i still don't know what she's trying to tell us. Tsk tsk!
Ok, i better get ready my stuff and evreything.
I'm going back to school library, i'm going for the sprint thingyy.
Tata :D

Saturday, August 23 @ 12:50 PM

it's a pity we didnt get to celebrate it this month.
exam fright lah baby, sowie dear!

Tuesday, August 19 @ 4:51 PM
My phone is being such an ass!
Pape just leave a msg or call my home or just tag :D
Got back our prelim n-lvl results yaww!
This week, busy busy. So might hav less time to blog . *Apologise*

Sunday, August 17 @ 6:29 PM
I've change my songg :D
Notynk to update.
Notynk to update.

Friday, August 15 @ 9:06 PM
School was school.
Today, maths paper One&Two. Ok-ok lahh.
Its both easy&hard at th same tyme.
After school, we went to marslingg.
Jesslyn, Me, Shidot, Liskie & Catty.
We waited for the cab, but they saw 5 people don't want to stop.
Wahh, under the hot sun somemore.
Th reason: Accompany jesslyn for threading. den Catty's mum&sis thread too.
Haha! Tinggal aku soranh je yg blom kn. Sbab aku tknk lahhhhh.
After dhat, took bus to interchange and walk home.
Yeah, save transport.
This week got three wedding under the block.
Gonna be super noisy wf all three group of kompangg.
WEDDING PHOTO ALBUMS just arrived aat hoome.
So pretty!
GFES, datang umah aku besok. Tengok ye?? Haha!

Thursday, August 14 @ 9:20 PM
Science exam was easy easy and ok ok.
I don't know if im gonna pass, but i must hav confident.
After school, die die i wanna go library sehh.
BUT no one wanna accompany me.
Luckily goodboy ask if wanna go library.
fwuh! Den i ask shidot alongg.
Meet goodboy outside library at 2.30pm.
den one by one other friends come lyke Kaka, Jesslyn, Nizwan &Azaa.
Oh ya, and eu know what me, shidot & jesslyn saw at the library...?
and plus nobody business. Shyt! Disgusting betol.
Ate lunch wf shidot at causewayy.
And shidot keep seeing "some people" dhat i was supposed to see and alert off.
Eu know wak ah men?? Haha! (dinosaur tot me this werd)
Walk home, save transport.
Meet Catty for awhile suddenly saw dinosaur behind me.
Super surprised!
Ddy was vry angry wf me abt my attitude but everytynks okay now (:
Sowie d (:
Now, im home at last.
I am kemas-ing my bilik, lipat all the wedding outfit.
just need to shift back my single-bed and the computer back to the room.
Oh oh oh, my dad gonna buy me a own big bed soon
So happppy :D
Tomorrow Maths Exam lah pulak..Mamposh skali :D
For Gf-es, sila tengok :D
Labels: girlfriends, library, random

Wednesday, August 13 @ 7:15 PM
School dismissed at 11.20am.
Todae i had EOA theory&practical.
Theory was hard, Practical was easy :D
After school tot of going study group wf gf-es.
But, last minute i didn't follow them.
Den i went to vista buy food, vry hungry.
n i saw my dinosaur!
Now, im bored to death.
Dinosaur promised me surprised if i pass my prelims
and when i say, "what if i fail?"
he goes, " he-he-he-he *evil laugh*"
And he plann the best for my future :D
It's time for sayang-sayang

Tuesday, August 12 @ 8:27 PM
Im here, at home.
I just make a Facebook account.
(to anyone who has it, add me. Thanks!)
Today had my MT Paper 1&3
and ENG Paper 3 too.
It was easyy, i hope i pass and i'm sure i will pass :DD
Dismissed at 11.00am.
Gf-es went to my house.
And i recommend a Korean Movie, Windstruck.
It was a sad sad sad plus cute movie.
Nxt korean movie i wanna watch it wf gf-es after these prelim exam if not we are going to get stuck wf Korean show. Haha!
Gonna get ready for 2mrw exam.
GoodieLuckiee :D
(to anyone who has it, add me. Thanks!)
Today had my MT Paper 1&3
and ENG Paper 3 too.
It was easyy, i hope i pass and i'm sure i will pass :DD
Dismissed at 11.00am.
Gf-es went to my house.
And i recommend a Korean Movie, Windstruck.

Nxt korean movie i wanna watch it wf gf-es after these prelim exam if not we are going to get stuck wf Korean show. Haha!
Gonna get ready for 2mrw exam.
GoodieLuckiee :D
Labels: IMB

Kakak Shiela BIG DAY(:
@ 1:00 PM

Labels: Family, girlfriends, Weddings

Monday, August 11 @ 12:59 PM
Congrats Sis & Bro-in-law :D
Yes, it's over.
Oh shyt! Not everything is over.
My prelims is tomorrow.
And i've yet to revise.
Got to go
Yes, it's over.
Oh shyt! Not everything is over.
My prelims is tomorrow.
And i've yet to revise.
Got to go

Thursday, August 7 @ 7:30 PM
7 August 08

I could feel dhat i was about to faint already.
Den 2 period of p.e lessons gone. Bo-Hoooo!
Science, i already blur2.
About a period gone, my throat felt super dry and i could feel someone i hammering my head.
Den Science teacher caught me for no reasons lyke,
"..elna, stop daydreaming.."
i was lyke, "! i'm counting -_-.."
but bcoz of my dry throat, i just ignore hyr.
Kalau tak, mamposh kau!
So dhats when i decided to go home.
Cannot tahan already.
Recess tyme, waited for mum&dad to pick me up.
Gf-es accompany me till dey came. Thnks gurls :D
Den inside vehicle, i could feel myself it was super hot.
Temperature check: 38.9
I didn't tell dinosaur coz i don't want hym to get worried.
Tap kalau dier tau, mati akuu.
But ryte now, i feel much much better (:
Just now, meet Weirdot&LiskieStar.
Buy something for dhat somebodyy.
excited tak? Haha!
Talking about 2mrw,
I soo wanna go to school seh.
National Day Celebration ..!!
I cannot wait to see my selenger class on the screen 2mrw.

Wednesday, August 6 @ 8:49 PM
Tomorrow makes Thursday which means, Fcukin Mass Runn!
Todae school was totally horrible.
Silent reading, Shidot started hyr ass joke agaen.
Den had Eng, Everyone vry obedient. Good-good!
Mt, Ok best jugak.
Eoa, Start gler2 balek.
Recess, Aat the usual wf gf-es & jeslynn.
Science, Maseh gler2 and da start ngantok.
Cpa, Boooom! Ngantok gler!
Maths, Tido tros, da tkleh angg! haha!
1.15pm - school dismissed.
After school. Race homeeee!
Anybody wanna chase me after school tmrw?
Shidot, eu want? Haha!
Less than 4 more days to my sister BIG DAY :D
So alittle busy cleaning and arranging the house.
Paham paham yer kak? Haha!
Den at around 4, dinosaur wanna meet me.
Long tyme eh aku tk mention dinosaur in my blogg? Hehe!
Aku ter-miss kejap type pasal ddy akuu :D
Diam uh shidot! Haha!
I wnna sleep now.
So shidot, tunngu ape lagi?
Offline, abeh g tido gi! [:
Shidot, aku nk g bawah jap beli pepsi 50cent jap uhh.
Mcm desperate nak air coke sioool. Haha!
Kau nk ikott aku?

Tuesday, August 5 @ 8:05 PM
I think it is gonna be along post today.
Starting wf Saturday till Tuesdayy.
Tuesday 5 Aug 08
Tuesday 5 Aug 08
School was fun!
All thanks to Shidot Weirdot for making us laugh our ass off in class.
She is just feeling hyper+drunk+alittle gay.
Nevermind, we understand. Haha!
Please stop it with the "Malu kan? Malu kan?"
Lessons as usual but
assembly really got irritated with this irritating ass face sehh.
Days of N-level is near
And and and shidot!
Remember this word?
Better shave your ass off! Haha!
Monday 4 Aug 08
Ferstly, Happy 17th Birthday to one of Boyf Friend.
Had N level Prelim English Ppr 1 & 2.
And its over. Pffft!
Saturday&Sunday 3&2 Aug 08
Send my whole weekend at Khayli house.
I even get to watch Camp Rock.
It is not on Disney Channel yet but i watch it already.
It is better than High School Musical[:
and send Kakak Ogy to airport on Sunday.
I guess dhats all.
Goodnight people.
Labels: random

Saturday, August 2 @ 3:46 PM
1st August 08
Ferstly, th previous post was random. Haha!
TGIF bebehh :D
And its the ferst day of hungry ghost so need to watch my steps.
School was blueeeek!
But i love maths lessons dhat dae, agreed??
2nd August
update later :D
Ferstly, th previous post was random. Haha!
TGIF bebehh :D
And its the ferst day of hungry ghost so need to watch my steps.
School was blueeeek!
But i love maths lessons dhat dae, agreed??
2nd August
update later :D