Tuesday, August 26 @ 4:13 PM
It's been so so so so long since i last update.
Baru 3 daes, lame ke?
And i think my tagboard is
Otay! Todae school was normal. Normal routine jugaak.
English, Ms N nvr come
den 4 periods of P.E,
Science, Mrs L nvr come also.
Maths, talk talk.
So i tynk, todae we had 6/7 free periods.
So yes, i think my class should love today bcoz all th boys were lyke playing psp and th teachers are lyke busy talking among themself.
I even heard my classmate say,
"wah! best siak skola maen psp je, da 1jam nie" (sometynk lyke dhat)
Ohya, Maths lessons.
I really don't get what my teacher is trying to tell us.
She keep on repeating this sentence,
"I know you people might think that i mark those exam pprs slowly, im busy and so on. For example, he ask me dhat tyme and i answers truthfully. And this person too. I know you people might think that i'm slow. But you know whatever you say might affect the others"
and there she goes, repeating again again again and again.
Me & gf-es at the back keep on saying, what are you trying to say?
What's the moral of the story? This and dhat.
Even my other classmate say, i don't understand wad eu are trying to say lah chear.
And the best part is, until now i still don't know what she's trying to tell us. Tsk tsk!
Ok, i better get ready my stuff and evreything.
I'm going back to school library, i'm going for the sprint thingyy.
Tata :D