Thursday, August 7 @ 7:30 PM
7 August 08

I could feel dhat i was about to faint already.
Den 2 period of p.e lessons gone. Bo-Hoooo!
Science, i already blur2.
About a period gone, my throat felt super dry and i could feel someone i hammering my head.
Den Science teacher caught me for no reasons lyke,
"..elna, stop daydreaming.."
i was lyke, "! i'm counting -_-.."
but bcoz of my dry throat, i just ignore hyr.
Kalau tak, mamposh kau!
So dhats when i decided to go home.
Cannot tahan already.
Recess tyme, waited for mum&dad to pick me up.
Gf-es accompany me till dey came. Thnks gurls :D
Den inside vehicle, i could feel myself it was super hot.
Temperature check: 38.9
I didn't tell dinosaur coz i don't want hym to get worried.
Tap kalau dier tau, mati akuu.
But ryte now, i feel much much better (:
Just now, meet Weirdot&LiskieStar.
Buy something for dhat somebodyy.
excited tak? Haha!
Talking about 2mrw,
I soo wanna go to school seh.
National Day Celebration ..!!
I cannot wait to see my selenger class on the screen 2mrw.