w0odLands stAdiiuM
Saturday, March 31 @ 9:37 AM
im accually updating abt my fridae's sports day held at woodlandsStadium.
well, i woke upp as per ussual 6.25 like dhat.
den i do wad i supposed to do n leave home at around 6.50am i was late 5 mins.
sowie. den i meet boifie outside n off we go wdls stadium.
while walking theres a car horn at us n guess who? its Mr Justin.
our discipline(?) master, ahaha!
den we continue walking to the stadium n reached dere around 7.35am or so.
when i reached dere ferst i saw was shasha, she asked me sumtynk n i can't ans.
den sumone else ask me the same Q agaen n i sae i dnt noe.
hmphh. weird uhh.
den i sat wif my class.
sit for a few runs n go hang out wif shasha n aqilah.
ma crazie systa.
ferst we went to the toilet den we stand at the railing.
afta a few sec we stand at one shaded place.
n den aqilah wanted to buy water ;haus gler.
hahaha! aqilah keep using diz werd ;"Help mie...."
n den we ask hyr back by saeing "help mie.." ahaha!!
aftr dhat i n alyssha sit dwn coz we twu dead.
tired n lazy man.
hot lagie tu.
tired already me n shasha sit n hear mp3.
lagie bagos =]
den we felt so bored den we started to walk again but diz tyme wif EEFFAA.
i tot u say eu guys are sewel,biyol n gler ke ape ntahh.
den y jumper kite teros senyap kite yg biseng sheyy.
hahaha! tkper2 pnat kodd. xD
den sit walk sit walk n tiredd.
den the last event which is the Teachers&Parents event,
Me, Rubyemo & Shasha(&frenz) cheer fer i also dnt noe who.
but instead of cheering me, qilah n shasha pinch n hit each other.
its all shasha fault until this accident happen!! n it goes TOIINNNKKK !! hehe.
i stil remember tau shasha.
we three laugh lyke hell.
im having the best laugh wif eu gurls =]
3 mins b4 dismissal me n shasha run to the toilet w/o pass.
den got one person ask, where eur pass den we twu run n laugh.
hehe! den inside the toilet i heard the principle say.
thank you for coming, bla3.
den people went off already sho i ask shasha to hurry coz our bags still at dere.
den we run back luckily, our bags still dere.
b4 meetynk boifie n others ; me n shasha play rain =]
aftr dhatt. i met boifie n others at the exit.
shasha followed me =]
but sowie i didn't accompany eu the whole way.
at wdls interchange. we went separate waes.
shahrul ask me a favour to check the movie time.
kae, so i n boifie go.
denden wanted to see hauntedd skool budden at cozwae dnt hav so watch Mr bean holidays.
dey wanna meet at 1.30 in cozwae sheyy.
den 1.30 boifie jus reach home.
at least favour for us back uhh.
wait for us, but no!!
not fair!! dey didnt wait fer us.
i was madd at dem. i dont wan to tok abt it aniwae.
dhats y at mac i was mooddy.
den we went home already, eLiizAd ate at pasta mania.
saw E&FF&A.
once EFFA at banquet n saw EFF agaen at B1.
den me n boifie havin the best dae of our lyfe.
we really2 do. fun shey. spend tyme 4 the both of us was swiit.
we were boredd walk tekongg here n dere.
we kept walking the same lane agaen n agaen.
hahaha!! people see also i tynk ppl will say we crazie.
hahaha! it was fun shey `seriously.
den around 8+ daddy sent mie home lyke owaes.
today meeting hym agaen b4 he goes to ITE amk for soccer match.
hmphh! i wanted to follow but he nvr let me coz ITE bdk laki gatal2.
hahaha! xD
i tynk i saed enuff.
countdown ;21 daes twu eLiizAd 1 years anniversary<333

Monday, March 26 @ 6:49 PM
well yes, todae as eu can see.
was a bad dae! for alittle.
omg!! stupiid dumbfcuk!!
eur suchh aa copycatt!!
stupiid iidiiotiic dumbfcuk!
tryiing to act cute, well go twu hell.
donte wanna wriite down uhh.
such a dumbfcukk.
ii guess eur born twu b a DUMBFCUKK COPYCAT!!
motherr fcukerr!
niiwae, thnxx alyssha!
was swiit of eu twu put muii piic.
Love eu loads dearest!
~eLiizAd <33
ii was born twu make eu hapii daddy ((:

dhatt ThursdAe
Sunday, March 25 @ 10:47 AM
-/- 22 March -/-
ii went to jurongg &&meet upp wiif muii priimary skool frenz.
iitz been almost 3 years we diidnt meet upp sheyy.
ii miiz dem loadss !!
haha! after skool, ii diidnt go for muii CCA.
ii went home nn get readyy to meet dem.
ferst, ii meet Apiil &&farez at jurong iinterchange.
den we went together to meet aishah @ jurongg poiint.
ii hav muii best dae!!
den ii saw alot of our other Ex-classmate.
dey sae to miie "iif onlyy eu diidnt moved upp, ii tynk eu wiil b fiine wiif us"
amiira was shocked to see mee wiif dem, shoo doo i !
siince den we started to contact each other every now n denn.
we started to get close agaen.
Ohh yaa!! on dhatt dae iits also eLiizAdd 11montHs =]
~eLiizAdd <33
*wen MEMORIIES started to cum out back ;Strezz.

Saturday, March 17 @ 12:47 AM

ii donte remember?
do eu?
ohh, eu donte even bother.
but ii do.
ii noe iits stupiid to sae "ii reallii do" but hmphh!! dey nvr spare a thought for miie.
ii noe. iif eu were to read diiz eu miight b laughiing or even miight make jokes at iit.
or even fiight back on wad ii saed.
yarr. ii noe.
but truly ii am. ii donte even noe wad ii do wrong.
ii donte even noe wad diid ii sae,although ii nvr sae anytynk,
ii tot eu sae hatiing iis a bad tynk to do, accually for miie iits a stupiid tynk to do.
wen eu are lonely, although wad ii saed, wad ii do.
eu tynk ii never regrett saeiing iit.
ii do. but eu donte even wanna giiv miie a miinutes to share.
all eu guys wan iis eur own wae.
iits chiildiish.
ii tot eu sae promiise nvr do iit agaen, start afresh?
wheres e promiise.
iisnt dhatt a promiise breaker.
ii mean GOD, wad hav eu donte to dem??
hmphh!! liife iis short.
Liive iit.
liive iit well.
ii tot we are goiing to b bestfren forever.
stay twugether n wadeva shiit eu saed.
iim not good enuf for eu huh?
y at least age grow n eur braiins donte grow.
tynk lyke a young adult.
donte run awae from problems.
y donte tell miie wad ii diid wrongg.
ii even promiise to change nn ii diid.
but eu nvr giiv miie e chance to show iit.
wad cowardd or wad?
coz iim notynk to eu.
ryte ? ryte ?
ii tot eu sae iim eur bestfren??
but now, whose calliing biitch twu who?
wad does dhatt supposed to mean?
ii noe. eu guys jus gave uup on miie easiily wiifout tynkiing wad we went thru over the 3 yrs.
ii donte noe wad to sae.
but stiil iin wadeva wae eu treated miie.
-/- ii never hate eu gurls, even iif ii sae ii do. -/-

he's jepon.
he call miie T as a short form of "besTy"
muii one nn onliie bestfren.
he was once miine.
but now ii donte tynk shoo.
he iish realli niice.
he care abtt me.
but tynks changed nn he iish now wiif other.
as eu can see readers.
ii donte hav anyone left.
he's really speciial twu miie.
ii wonte giiv eu a hard tyme J.
-/- END -/-
![-[x]- my reflecti0n .. PEACE ! hehe .! -[x]-](http://photos.friendster.com/photos/54/56/24016545/543694985l.jpg)
diiz iish alyssha.
we're not really close.
but can b close.
she iis really a pweetii gurl.
ii wan hyr to bb muii bestfwen forever.
but after wad happen to muii frenshiipwerld.
ii can't reallii keep hyr as miine.
coz ii noe iim goiing to lose hyr too.
she hav hyr frens.
shoo dhatts y ii donte cum runniin after hyr.
she miight b one year older den miie.
but frenshiip dosent matter of age.
-/- ii stiil love eu as muii siiz -/-
-/- wriitynk those memoriies-/-

Thursday, March 15 @ 6:03 PM
14MARCH ii went to skool to watch &&support miie boiifiie &&teams fer soccer match.
shoo iits Antii-cLockwiise VS Magiia.
erm.. iit was raiiniing laa aliitlee nn den stop nn den pour agaen.
antii-clockwiise goes twu e wiinner pool.
aftr dhatt. antii boys goes bath siince some got iinto the mud.
shahrul was siao laa. he wear underwear, show hiis butt at our diirectiion nn shout outsiide the bathroom, II WANNA BATHH!!
haha!! ii was lyke ommgg!! luckiily ii diidn't saw iit clear.
denden me, boiifiie &&nadziir go banquett twu eat.
hehehe!! was haviin fun untiil ii lost muii mood.
nn diidnt fiiniish muii food.
luckiily boiifiie understand miie. thanks daaddy!! mwahh!
aftr dhatt he sent miie home nn ii was tiired shoo ii rest for a whiile.
bath. watchh muii favouriite show at 7-8pm.
nn den e dancefloor startedd.
den watch all fiiniish, eat fer diinner nn poof!
too lala-landd.
eLiizAdd <33

goodby fwensta
Tuesday, March 13 @ 12:54 PM
well, hello dere bloghoppers.
iim deletiing fwensta real soon !!
hmphh. fer some reasons well. hmphh!!
dere's diiz _____ actiing as iif she shoo _____.
Eeeww!! proud AsshoLe!!
go twu hELL.
well, got to go.
to be contiinue. . .

iim wrongg ?
Sunday, March 4 @ 7:34 AM
hmpff !!
really2 donte noe wad diid ii do wrongg.
hmphh !!.
ii smell ratt.
well, on thursdae ii was wiif eu twu.
we're fiine.
friidae also was fiine. we're smilliing.
den after skool go separate waes.
stiil no fiights.
den nvr talkk anytynk pon.
lyke WTF !!
omgg!! ii really2 donte noe wad iis _____________.
______ && _______ .
ii ______ ______, such a _________.
and ____ , donte ____ _______ _____ ___ !!
haiishh !!
reallii seakk !!
~eLiizAd <33
//FCUKIING ________ .
donte act lyke iit iis owaes you !
owaes COPYY people style, ii piity eu coz eu hav NO ORIIGIINALITYY !!

Friday, March 2 @ 10:23 PM
hello dere!
daa lame kan miie neva updatee?
Buzy && Lazyy !! haha!!
sowiie !!
dere;s a GEMOKS calliing names.
argh! siimply tk tgk diiriie sendiiriie dulu.
siick ; diie!
siinply easy!
OMG! all e common test papers are out!
ii diid faiil one subject
erm nn the rest really2 JUST PASS.
dhatts good.
at least, ii donte cheat xD
ii studiied okehh
kk. dhatts all.
haviin e tyme of muii lyfe!
~eLiizAdd <33