dhatt ThursdAe
Sunday, March 25 @ 10:47 AM
-/- 22 March -/-
ii went to jurongg &&meet upp wiif muii priimary skool frenz.
iitz been almost 3 years we diidnt meet upp sheyy.
ii miiz dem loadss !!
haha! after skool, ii diidnt go for muii CCA.
ii went home nn get readyy to meet dem.
ferst, ii meet Apiil &&farez at jurong iinterchange.
den we went together to meet aishah @ jurongg poiint.
ii hav muii best dae!!
den ii saw alot of our other Ex-classmate.
dey sae to miie "iif onlyy eu diidnt moved upp, ii tynk eu wiil b fiine wiif us"
amiira was shocked to see mee wiif dem, shoo doo i !
siince den we started to contact each other every now n denn.
we started to get close agaen.
Ohh yaa!! on dhatt dae iits also eLiizAdd 11montHs =]
~eLiizAdd <33
*wen MEMORIIES started to cum out back ;Strezz.