Saturday, March 17 @ 12:47 AM

ii donte remember?
do eu?
ohh, eu donte even bother.
but ii do.
ii noe iits stupiid to sae "ii reallii do" but hmphh!! dey nvr spare a thought for miie.
ii noe. iif eu were to read diiz eu miight b laughiing or even miight make jokes at iit.
or even fiight back on wad ii saed.
yarr. ii noe.
but truly ii am. ii donte even noe wad ii do wrong.
ii donte even noe wad diid ii sae,although ii nvr sae anytynk,
ii tot eu sae hatiing iis a bad tynk to do, accually for miie iits a stupiid tynk to do.
wen eu are lonely, although wad ii saed, wad ii do.
eu tynk ii never regrett saeiing iit.
ii do. but eu donte even wanna giiv miie a miinutes to share.
all eu guys wan iis eur own wae.
iits chiildiish.
ii tot eu sae promiise nvr do iit agaen, start afresh?
wheres e promiise.
iisnt dhatt a promiise breaker.
ii mean GOD, wad hav eu donte to dem??
hmphh!! liife iis short.
Liive iit.
liive iit well.
ii tot we are goiing to b bestfren forever.
stay twugether n wadeva shiit eu saed.
iim not good enuf for eu huh?
y at least age grow n eur braiins donte grow.
tynk lyke a young adult.
donte run awae from problems.
y donte tell miie wad ii diid wrongg.
ii even promiise to change nn ii diid.
but eu nvr giiv miie e chance to show iit.
wad cowardd or wad?
coz iim notynk to eu.
ryte ? ryte ?
ii tot eu sae iim eur bestfren??
but now, whose calliing biitch twu who?
wad does dhatt supposed to mean?
ii noe. eu guys jus gave uup on miie easiily wiifout tynkiing wad we went thru over the 3 yrs.
ii donte noe wad to sae.
but stiil iin wadeva wae eu treated miie.
-/- ii never hate eu gurls, even iif ii sae ii do. -/-

he's jepon.
he call miie T as a short form of "besTy"
muii one nn onliie bestfren.
he was once miine.
but now ii donte tynk shoo.
he iish realli niice.
he care abtt me.
but tynks changed nn he iish now wiif other.
as eu can see readers.
ii donte hav anyone left.
he's really speciial twu miie.
ii wonte giiv eu a hard tyme J.
-/- END -/-
![-[x]- my reflecti0n .. PEACE ! hehe .! -[x]-](
diiz iish alyssha.
we're not really close.
but can b close.
she iis really a pweetii gurl.
ii wan hyr to bb muii bestfwen forever.
but after wad happen to muii frenshiipwerld.
ii can't reallii keep hyr as miine.
coz ii noe iim goiing to lose hyr too.
she hav hyr frens.
shoo dhatts y ii donte cum runniin after hyr.
she miight b one year older den miie.
but frenshiip dosent matter of age.
-/- ii stiil love eu as muii siiz -/-
-/- wriitynk those memoriies-/-