Thursday, March 15 @ 6:03 PM
14MARCH ii went to skool to watch &&support miie boiifiie &&teams fer soccer match.
shoo iits Antii-cLockwiise VS Magiia.
erm.. iit was raiiniing laa aliitlee nn den stop nn den pour agaen.
antii-clockwiise goes twu e wiinner pool.
aftr dhatt. antii boys goes bath siince some got iinto the mud.
shahrul was siao laa. he wear underwear, show hiis butt at our diirectiion nn shout outsiide the bathroom, II WANNA BATHH!!
haha!! ii was lyke ommgg!! luckiily ii diidn't saw iit clear.
denden me, boiifiie &&nadziir go banquett twu eat.
hehehe!! was haviin fun untiil ii lost muii mood.
nn diidnt fiiniish muii food.
luckiily boiifiie understand miie. thanks daaddy!! mwahh!
aftr dhatt he sent miie home nn ii was tiired shoo ii rest for a whiile.
bath. watchh muii favouriite show at 7-8pm.
nn den e dancefloor startedd.
den watch all fiiniish, eat fer diinner nn poof!
too lala-landd.
eLiizAdd <33