dA dAe of yEsterdAe
Monday, August 21 @ 8:26 PM
well, boring leh..
So nothink to do, upload my bloggiie..
Erm, well, didn't accually get to meet the SI finalest..
Because of stupid ppl step on my foot..
Cannot tahan.. So get out from the crowd..
Stupid ppl. didn't get to eat sushi.. but nvr mind..
dEn sliip at rumAh khayLi.. ok Lar.. bEst.. but cannot sleep..
Missing sumone.. boohoo.. well, nothing to update animore..
So gtg.. Bye!! take care..

Boriing liox..
Saturday, August 19 @ 9:54 AM
bright and shine, i couldn't sl33p w3ll jus now..
k33p on wak3 up don't r3ally know wad's both3ring m3..
i giiv up.. i can't sl33p so i onLin3.. i chAt wiit hussi3n juz i3n.. =)
hAaha Fun jugAk Lar..
Hmm, dAa lam3 tk l3pak ngan Sh33vash &&fr3ns..
Mizz th3ir craziin3ss =p
Toda3 khayli(cuzzins) ask m3 out to m33t th3 singApore idoL As Last w33k
at pakway parad3 w3 didn't accually g3t to m33t d3m.. onli hug n flying kiss3s from m3 to d3m.. ch3h2.. Haha..
Th3n toda3 going to b sleep ov3r at her house again.. y3ah!!
Hopping i would 3at sushii again.. yummy!!
So bor3d L3h.. i mizz izAd..
M3 && izAd knOw mAkin rApat La.. Harts hiim Many2..
Our craziin3ss hAs com3 and our shyn33s hAs gon3..
isn't thAt gr3at?? it is So gr3at..
Tak3 pictur3 Many2.. but th3n so pais3y wanna take pic wiit him...
i'll get us3d to iit sOon..
w3ll.. i b3tter g3t r3ady For Lat3r..
Tak3 cAr3 My n3w besti3st!! Lov u all loAdss..

Fun && CraziiE
Friday, August 18 @ 8:27 PM
Sch wAs Fun.. ok ok laa..
in Class lessons wAs boriNg//
Moring HOMECON scold scold scold all tt teacher do was scold..
Den recess.. n den CPA.. cpa test easy siia.. Hope i scored well..
But finish early So nothing to do sleep lehh..
Chitty Chatty wit My Fren beside Me..
Talk to adi Fun.. Laugh2.. Share secrets && more..
He is My Best-Boi-Fren to Me..
ohh yA b4 i Forgot today iz Hamka **Anwar Birthday..
Happy Birthday Hamka & ANwar =))
Den After Skool,, izAd Meet mE follow me home &&get change..
go his hOuse.. he gEt chAnge n thEn go out..
We too wE liike craziie but loviing couples xD.. Took picture &&more..
He make jokes.. Make me laugh n laugh my lungs out.. haha
i Heart hym Loadss!! i really do.. He respect Me && care for Me.. <33
Hmm.. i feel alrite wiit him.. Maybe his thE oNe i'm lookiNg For..
iif He is thE oNe i must stiick wiit hiim Forever..
stop here.. continue other dae..

thAnks hEro..
Tuesday, August 15 @ 8:42 PM
Todae didN't gO to Skool becAuse oF my affectioN..
Although didn't go to skool
i have a hard time running to hospital to hospital..
tired Eu know..
Den i My bf gAve a sumtink sO cute..
We had a little AccidEnt Leh..
So funny.. So tired n mAny More..
gtg.. Byez..

siCk n tirEd..
@ 8:56 AM
yEsterdae i wEnt to the doctor to do my operation..
sob2.. it wAs DAMN painfull..
belom start i already cry..
after that lagi cry.. Pain u know..
but dEn i remember my fren hussien sAe.. b strong
remember dEm n don't think abt the injection..
hAhaha.. Thanks hussien.. They are nice to me..
Aniwae den it's doNe..
OMG.. pain pain pain.
so todae 15.08.06 i nvr go to sch..
aytes i gtg now..
love my boi-bestiest..

Sunday, August 13 @ 9:06 PM
todA3 i wAtch th3 Ant bully..
d3n afT3er tAt 3at suShii agAin but thiis tym3
is At ii dOn''t knOw L3r.. i Forg3t..
d3n gu33s wAd? i buy....
hahaha.. i kNo3.. childish..
But Fun u knO3. aLaa.. skali sekali jAdi bdk seKejap
tK sAlah pEr..
n d3n i bOugt mA s3lf a chocolate puff..
i tiink th3 nAm3 is Choclate "elaquire"<>
to sp3ll it out leh. sorry..
d3n afT3er tAt 3at suShii agAin but thiis tym3
is At ii dOn''t knOw L3r.. i Forg3t..
d3n gu33s wAd? i buy....
hahaha.. i kNo3.. childish..
But Fun u knO3. aLaa.. skali sekali jAdi bdk seKejap
tK sAlah pEr..
n d3n i bOugt mA s3lf a chocolate puff..
i tiink th3 nAm3 is Choclate "elaquire"<>
to sp3ll it out leh. sorry..

@ 7:55 PM
On saturday i w3n to Pakwa3 Parad3..
tO mEet th3 7 final3st S'por3 idoL
i m33t joakim!! h3 sO cut3!..
moNk3y bOii..
d3n aft3r tAt 3at at Saka3 Sushii..
Yum yuM.. mA fAv. pLac3..
aft3r tAt sL33p at rumAh khAyli For tAt niit3.
Ohh yAa Forg3t tO t3ll suMtiink
i gOt the Singapor3 idoL
T-shirt!! wOo..
h33h3.. gtg..

yEah NT Rovers Win!!
Friday, August 11 @ 9:40 PM
Hello today i go home late//
i oso go to skool late.. Haha.. Wad i Mean was..
i wake up at 7+ like that den siap go to skool
at 8 sumtink,, reach skool at 9am like that..
Den finish skool at 12+,, i follow hero..
den see them play soccer.. Wohoo!! Nt Rovers Win..
Best see dEm play.. wen see dem play feel like shoutiing
like hell siia.. haha den now i jus got back around 9+pm i tiink..
bcOz wEn dA gaMe finish izAd Sent Me hoMe dEn
i Forgot To bring My keys & den No oNe at Home So i Hav To wait untiL thEy rEach Home..
izAd aCcomPany Me..
Haha.. till den.. Stop here..

Thursday, August 10 @ 12:16 PM
Me n My othErs cuzzins go to nEar Kallang to
c the fireworks yesterdae..
iit's wAs so boriing coz it;s not the
Fiirst tyme ii;m seeing wad.. /haha
den go Eat at Yasalam.. quite sleepy..
inside the vAn. i go to sleeping land..
Den suddenly i wake up
i;m in my house carpark.. So fast..
Den see my watch it was 12noon sharp..
Really.. OMG!! so tired..
klah.. tats iit..

Hate EveryoNe thAt i Hate!!
Tuesday, August 8 @ 6:58 PM
YesterdAe i got Slap by sOmoNe..
Hate thAt pErsOn!! Hate Eu Very Much!!
i d0n;t cAre iF Eu SAy Sorry or nOt?
i still wOn;t tok tO Eu..
ii Feel lyke changing skool lah..
This skool the fren all not bEst..
Onli the upper Sec i knOw je ok sehh..
Some daa jumpe kwn laen
Kwn lame lupe jus like that..
Stupid that mEans.. Pilih kasih..
Fine2.. jus do yr thing n i do my thing.. Fine?
"rolling eyes"
ok2 hates those ppl who make hate dem..
Sorry! but u all force me to do it..
Bye!! tAke Care..

yEah!! So Happy..
Monday, August 7 @ 8:05 PM
Ermm.. Continue from juz Now..
Well, After tat Me n hym go sumwhEre dEn he gavE mE sumtiNk wAh!!
it;s a cute+swiit Necklace..
Aww.. sO So niCe..
Love it.. Thanks iizAd..
Den i oso giv hym suMtink..
Cannot tell.. "secret"
Den bought For Error his prEsent..
heehe.. Den doNe..
Finish.. dOn't knOw wAd to write Animore..

Yuckss!! they ****!
@ 7:35 PM
Todae Fun!! Okae Lahh..
After Skool sAw "dEm" at canteen Eating.
Den sae mEet at whEre tApi dkAt Mane..
Padahal Padahal..
Den call dem meet dem..
Dem bully ppl rabak wish can do that to MY[as if] fren
den break thier backbone den *..
Yeah!! So bad Me..
Den Haiyaah, * * Frens
Make problem again..
it;s true Friends juz cum n go.
They * to the *.
Bluek.. bluek..
they jus * * * ..
Can't tell u wad is '*'
if u want to know..
Pandai2 Tau.. haha.. Ask Me Lah
Mane Tau i Can tell..
Kalau tk nak blg Padan Muke Kau Setan!!
I * dem so much..
* u all !!

FCuking BoriNg*
Sunday, August 6 @ 1:01 AM
5 August 2006
Boring Day.
Didn't do Anything Much
At 3 go cOzwAe Eat At
Long John Silver..
Dad tell us his Old time story.
Den walk around at cozwae.
Meet Ma couzins n eat dinner at Changi Beach
i called Hero..
He,Errie& Farhan watch
Tokyo Drift.
Tk agak.. Nanak Fren =p
Nvr Mind. i oso don't Care.
Den Saw this Crown Belt but didn't gEt to buy it
Something happen to me tt i told hero onli
wOn't admire anything for now on
dEn go East Coast Park
Walk2 n Eat ice-cream
Watch the Sea.
dEn wEnt bAck hOme.
Saw izad&farhan at busstop.
We wave at each other.. wakaka..
End here!

4 August 2006*
Friday, August 4 @ 7:21 PM
tOdAe As pEr nOrmaL n abit of FUN!!
Fun pon after skOol..
Ok lar.
todAe, Errie burfdAe.
Happy Birthday Error! =)
Tgk boLa tApi i waLk arOund.
Tk cOncentrate On dEm pLaying.
Nvr miNd. Not impOrtAnt.
Juz wAiting fOr Next wEek..
Hero's n frEns puNye tuRn.
But i kNow i'm alone supporting thEre.
No Lah.. mEsti aDe Nyer Orang.
Stop hEre..
End tHere..
Out's Now.
Fun pon after skOol..
Ok lar.
todAe, Errie burfdAe.
Happy Birthday Error! =)
Tgk boLa tApi i waLk arOund.
Tk cOncentrate On dEm pLaying.
Nvr miNd. Not impOrtAnt.
Juz wAiting fOr Next wEek..
Hero's n frEns puNye tuRn.
But i kNow i'm alone supporting thEre.
No Lah.. mEsti aDe Nyer Orang.
Stop hEre..
End tHere..
Out's Now.

SpeciaL nOt spEciaL?
Thursday, August 3 @ 7:52 PM
tOdae wAs Like a SpeciaL dAe.
bcOz i wAs Happy.
Ok2; Abit sAd but thEn hEro Ask mE to b strOng
i sPend soMe tiMes wit Hero'z Frenz
after skool.
I have Lot's Of Fun..
Play "satay" wakaka.
Fun Fun Fun
Isn't tAt good??
i like iit.
i reaLli dOes hAv Fun.
Hope Get to Spend More tiMes
wiit thEm sum Other tiMe..
End tHere..

i wiSh nOt to rEpeAt it!!
Wednesday, August 2 @ 6:43 PM
todAe wAs HORRIBLE!!
i Nvr wiSh i couLd rEpeAt it agAin..
i PROMISE i wOn;t
i Felt sO stupid dOing thiz tO Eu.
i;m rEally Sorry.
iF tHere;s suMtink i cOuld do to make u all forget abt this
I would do it!
i;m such a Stupiid gurL!
The most stupid gurl u all ever See!!
I hAte Myself fOr bEing So stupid
n bEing suCh a girL i;m nOw
After todAe i duNch knOw wAd tO do Animore..
i wAnna hidE Maself lar..
2morow don;t want to go to skool..
haixx.. i don;t know..
have not decided..