i wiSh nOt to rEpeAt it!!
Wednesday, August 2 @ 6:43 PM
todAe wAs HORRIBLE!!
i Nvr wiSh i couLd rEpeAt it agAin..
i PROMISE i wOn;t
i Felt sO stupid dOing thiz tO Eu.
i;m rEally Sorry.
iF tHere;s suMtink i cOuld do to make u all forget abt this
I would do it!
i;m such a Stupiid gurL!
The most stupid gurl u all ever See!!
I hAte Myself fOr bEing So stupid
n bEing suCh a girL i;m nOw
After todAe i duNch knOw wAd tO do Animore..
i wAnna hidE Maself lar..
2morow don;t want to go to skool..
haixx.. i don;t know..
have not decided..