Hate EveryoNe thAt i Hate!!
Tuesday, August 8 @ 6:58 PM
YesterdAe i got Slap by sOmoNe..
Hate thAt pErsOn!! Hate Eu Very Much!!
i d0n;t cAre iF Eu SAy Sorry or nOt?
i still wOn;t tok tO Eu..
ii Feel lyke changing skool lah..
This skool the fren all not bEst..
Onli the upper Sec i knOw je ok sehh..
Some daa jumpe kwn laen
Kwn lame lupe jus like that..
Stupid that mEans.. Pilih kasih..
Fine2.. jus do yr thing n i do my thing.. Fine?
"rolling eyes"
ok2 hates those ppl who make hate dem..
Sorry! but u all force me to do it..
Bye!! tAke Care..