Fun && CraziiE
Friday, August 18 @ 8:27 PM
Sch wAs Fun.. ok ok laa..
in Class lessons wAs boriNg//
Moring HOMECON scold scold scold all tt teacher do was scold..
Den recess.. n den CPA.. cpa test easy siia.. Hope i scored well..
But finish early So nothing to do sleep lehh..
Chitty Chatty wit My Fren beside Me..
Talk to adi Fun.. Laugh2.. Share secrets && more..
He is My Best-Boi-Fren to Me..
ohh yA b4 i Forgot today iz Hamka **Anwar Birthday..
Happy Birthday Hamka & ANwar =))
Den After Skool,, izAd Meet mE follow me home &&get change..
go his hOuse.. he gEt chAnge n thEn go out..
We too wE liike craziie but loviing couples xD.. Took picture &&more..
He make jokes.. Make me laugh n laugh my lungs out.. haha
i Heart hym Loadss!! i really do.. He respect Me && care for Me.. <33
Hmm.. i feel alrite wiit him.. Maybe his thE oNe i'm lookiNg For..
iif He is thE oNe i must stiick wiit hiim Forever..
stop here.. continue other dae..