princess sweet 17th
Wednesday, September 23 @ 6:44 PM
Yesterday i had my Sweet 17th birthday surprise by my beautiful girlfriends, klw ade dorang conferm kecohnye. so be prepare ade bnyk happening smlm. Haha!
Once upon a time..
At 3plus shidot text me, she ajak me follow go mamam wf her at don't know where cuz catty is jln rayaing and lisa is in school. So yalah, she asked me to doll myself up, mcm date lah nie gituu. Den another half an hour she text me again, asked me to meet her at the busstop. But i wasn't ready so i was rushing here and there suddenly i open the door she was right outside my door step with a big balloon. With my situation yang panicking and shocked, i shouted sooo loud that the whole block can hear! Lol.

Took the train and went to yishun, north point.
Shidot told me we will b eating together with hyr cousins since girlfriend couldn't make it. So ok lor, i just follow. We settle down at Eighteen chefs. The waiter, waitress and manager were all vry nice and friendly and hawt. haha!

Saw this two weirdos at the end of the table. This two ladies were dressed really weirdly, they were like covering their face, i can only see their eyes and i totally have no clue who they were.

When the food arrived, me and shidot dig in lor without waiting for her "cousins" to come. Den suddenly the waiter named Wan announce,
"There's a birthday girl in the house.Yes, den i paisey already and den this two weirdos above approach me and open their scarf. Guess who guess who? It was my girlfriends!
Her name is Elna and i want everyone to sing a birthday song for her.
Happy birthday to eu. .
*everyone sing Happy birthday song &clapping "
I swear i was having a mix feeling of happy, shocked, paisey, surprised.. everything la.
and ya, i cry cause elna very tertouched with the surprises..

den we all continue eating and went off.
den one more surprise, guess what?!
My balloon burst..

but fear not, i got it replace :)

princess happy back..!

To my greatest girlfriends in the whole universe ELSC,
Thank eu thank eu so much for the surprises.
I enjoy yesterday, very part very second very moment.
korang jahat okay, slalu buat i cry. haha!
i suke ape korang plan, korang best!
Thank eu again for the best party i ever had, i will remember it forever.
Eu guys are the best!
I sayang eu all, ELSC all the way :)
Labels: Eighteen Chefs, Elna's birthday, girlfriends, the best party elna had ever had

hari raya aidilfitri
Tuesday, September 22 @ 8:29 PM
Went to mum's side on the 2nd day.
Went home at 11plus and when i reach home i was 17th! :)

Cuz i got blister already den cannot even walk.. :P
1st day of Hari Raya!

getting ready, look at me hari raya hair..

It was sad lahh cuz i feel like i'm the only child in the family cuz big sister has her own family and big brother is werqing so ya, elna alone :(
but the best part was,
on my first day i only go to 5 house and i already gotten $250pluz.
exclude going to both mum &dad's side yet.. wohooo~
but i already use up half of it, hehe!
Labels: Family, Hari Raya Aidilfitri

virgo birthday
@ 10:34 AM
Happy Birthday to Nynie
Happy Birthday to Nurul Alba
And Happy Birthday to ME!
May all of eur wishes come true.
Stay young &rocking!
Smoga dipanjangkn umur &murahkan rezeki. Amin!
Happy birthday again to all of us. Yeahh!
Elna love eu all :)
Labels: Alba's birhday, Dynie's birthday, Elna's birthday, Nynie's birthday

Hari lebaran
Saturday, September 19 @ 7:44 PM
Kpade sume keluarga &kawan2 elna:
Elna ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Kalau elna ada menyakiti any of eu dgn cara sengaje ataupun tidak,
mohon ampun dan maaf zahir dan batin kepade semua.
Hope eu enjoy eur hari raya!
Elna love you all (xoxo)
Labels: Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Friday, September 18 @ 12:15 AM

Eu guys know Rogue right, from x-men?
I think my hair looks like her now.
Tho people say it's nice and cool but i think it's funny.
So if eu see me around in my new hair, please from the deep deep bottom bottom of your heart, comment to me truthfully :)

happy birthday
Thursday, September 17 @ 9:13 PM
Happy Sweet 17th Birthday Liskie Babbyy!
I hope all eur wishes come true last night. Haha!
Celebrate this day, and embrace all the reasons to believe in wishes again.
Smoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
Cepat dapat jodohh dan cepat groow. Hehe.
Happy birthday again virgo baby. Love eu!

Hope eu like our surprise yesterday :)
and sorry for the cawan, forgive my clumsiness.
Labels: Liskie's birthday

boys boys boys
Wednesday, September 16 @ 11:48 AM

The Bottom Line
The strongest substance in nature is water -- it knows how to move around obstacles.
In Detail
You have worked hard to get where you are, and you should feel proud. Just don't be surprised if guilt creeps into your mind. Not everyone is as lucky as you are, and this fact is becoming clearer to you every day. It's time you got involved in a charity or volunteer effort. Doing something for others will make you feel socially useful. Even if you just drop off old clothes at your local shelter, helping others is important.
Btw, sorry ya guys. This days no new photo cuz i'm just plain lazy to take pictures. Mayb, tonight alright :)
Yesterday i had werq, but sadly couldn't join the other crazy peepz for breaking fast. After werq, went to transfer to Along cuz he wants to repair his phone, and i had to go to civic to transfer. Yes cuz we had a shared account and he still got his credits in mine. Cerite lame~
After dhat, since it's nearer to my house i decided to walk, idk why? And after werq mahh conferm sweat what. Dlm keadaan gini pon ade org mintak number. Haizz, org mcm gini pon ade ke? Lol. After dhat, me went home and shower. The guy called me and asked me to join lepak with hys sedare so yallah, idk why i go join until 3am. We play Guessing game, What's Next, Black or White, Bang3, Teka-teki lah and more. Haiyooh. crazy seyy laugh3 here n there.
Den go back home watch soccer and sleep.
Oh ya ELSC!
Remember the Pastamania hawt manager, yg i kate tuu?
Yang kite bukee dhat tyme dkat Causeway?
I saw him yesterday before i went to werq *melts.
Before me went to werq, decided to take my membership card at Pastamania outlet lahh. Den the manager and the riderz are there. Ahh, he talked to me! Skali got to know, my card is at Causeway Point. Den he asked me.
Hawt Manager: Eu want me to take your card from there to here?
Me: Ohh, nvm i can take it there.
Hawt Manager: Bcoz i actually werq there but tmrw im'm werqing here.
Me: It's ok, i lived in woodlands.
Hawt Manager: Ohh really, think i saw eu before.
Me: *laugh
And on the other hand i was on th phone with my sister talking about the card which i totally ignore her and talk to the manager. Sampaikn my sister shout2 calling my name. Haha!
Ok lah bye, actually this post is random.
I got nothing to update :P
Going out later with my sister and brother-in-law.
Hmpff, should i cut my hair? Trim perhaps?
Labels: Family, horoscope, pastamania, werq

falling for eu
Sunday, September 13 @ 10:48 PM
So i get ready, took 168 and pick Khayli and zack up at Tampiness. Den took the cab back to wdls. We watch Aliens in the attic! It's super funny and cute, i keep on laughing like nobody business. It's cute what but the movie its short tho. Thumbs up babe!

I sukeee sukeee cite ni, cute taww!
Den after dhat, went to Admiralty and break fast. And my big sister is there too :)

Yesterday, when dad finish werq we went to Geylang to break our fastt.

Lil sis did henna yesterday, i pon nak pleaseee :(
Labels: Aliens in the attic, Causeway point, Family, Geylang, henna, movie dates