boys boys boys
Wednesday, September 16 @ 11:48 AM

The Bottom Line
The strongest substance in nature is water -- it knows how to move around obstacles.
In Detail
You have worked hard to get where you are, and you should feel proud. Just don't be surprised if guilt creeps into your mind. Not everyone is as lucky as you are, and this fact is becoming clearer to you every day. It's time you got involved in a charity or volunteer effort. Doing something for others will make you feel socially useful. Even if you just drop off old clothes at your local shelter, helping others is important.
Hmpff, maybe it's time to do volunteer work, ermm really? Pfft.
Btw, sorry ya guys. This days no new photo cuz i'm just plain lazy to take pictures. Mayb, tonight alright :)
Yesterday i had werq, but sadly couldn't join the other crazy peepz for breaking fast. After werq, went to transfer to Along cuz he wants to repair his phone, and i had to go to civic to transfer. Yes cuz we had a shared account and he still got his credits in mine. Cerite lame~
After dhat, since it's nearer to my house i decided to walk, idk why? And after werq mahh conferm sweat what. Dlm keadaan gini pon ade org mintak number. Haizz, org mcm gini pon ade ke? Lol. After dhat, me went home and shower. The guy called me and asked me to join lepak with hys sedare so yallah, idk why i go join until 3am. We play Guessing game, What's Next, Black or White, Bang3, Teka-teki lah and more. Haiyooh. crazy seyy laugh3 here n there.
Den go back home watch soccer and sleep.
Oh ya ELSC!
Remember the Pastamania hawt manager, yg i kate tuu?
Yang kite bukee dhat tyme dkat Causeway?
I saw him yesterday before i went to werq *melts.
Before me went to werq, decided to take my membership card at Pastamania outlet lahh. Den the manager and the riderz are there. Ahh, he talked to me! Skali got to know, my card is at Causeway Point. Den he asked me.
And on the other hand i was on th phone with my sister talking about the card which i totally ignore her and talk to the manager. Sampaikn my sister shout2 calling my name. Haha!
Ok lah bye, actually this post is random.
I got nothing to update :P
Going out later with my sister and brother-in-law.
Hmpff, should i cut my hair? Trim perhaps?
Btw, sorry ya guys. This days no new photo cuz i'm just plain lazy to take pictures. Mayb, tonight alright :)
Yesterday i had werq, but sadly couldn't join the other crazy peepz for breaking fast. After werq, went to transfer to Along cuz he wants to repair his phone, and i had to go to civic to transfer. Yes cuz we had a shared account and he still got his credits in mine. Cerite lame~
After dhat, since it's nearer to my house i decided to walk, idk why? And after werq mahh conferm sweat what. Dlm keadaan gini pon ade org mintak number. Haizz, org mcm gini pon ade ke? Lol. After dhat, me went home and shower. The guy called me and asked me to join lepak with hys sedare so yallah, idk why i go join until 3am. We play Guessing game, What's Next, Black or White, Bang3, Teka-teki lah and more. Haiyooh. crazy seyy laugh3 here n there.
Den go back home watch soccer and sleep.
Oh ya ELSC!
Remember the Pastamania hawt manager, yg i kate tuu?
Yang kite bukee dhat tyme dkat Causeway?
I saw him yesterday before i went to werq *melts.
Before me went to werq, decided to take my membership card at Pastamania outlet lahh. Den the manager and the riderz are there. Ahh, he talked to me! Skali got to know, my card is at Causeway Point. Den he asked me.
Hawt Manager: Eu want me to take your card from there to here?
Me: Ohh, nvm i can take it there.
Hawt Manager: Bcoz i actually werq there but tmrw im'm werqing here.
Me: It's ok, i lived in woodlands.
Hawt Manager: Ohh really, think i saw eu before.
Me: *laugh
And on the other hand i was on th phone with my sister talking about the card which i totally ignore her and talk to the manager. Sampaikn my sister shout2 calling my name. Haha!
Ok lah bye, actually this post is random.
I got nothing to update :P
Going out later with my sister and brother-in-law.
Hmpff, should i cut my hair? Trim perhaps?
Labels: Family, horoscope, pastamania, werq