Saturday, January 27 @ 9:49 AM
ii wanna updatee abtt ytdd accually nn aiit of todayy.
lettts startt off wiif ytdd.
yesterdae, 26Jan.
wenn outt wiiff boiifiiee to cwpp.
went watchiing moviiee.
buyy little2 giiftss nn end upp finiishhiing almost $70 buckks.
haha!! ii donte regrett lossiing moneyy iif iits fer hymm =))
we watcch the ghostt tunnel at 5.30pm. shiiokk!
scaryy uhh. but alsoo sadd.
Eee!! the ghostt face lyke shiityy. the face verii uglyy.
lyke boii facee budden b4 she becumm ghostt she iish verii pweetii tauu.
kk stopp.
saww aloott of peoplee.
nn saww kak Umiirahh !!
haha!! at lastt she noee howw ii look lykee.
shee shoo swiitt. she seems happyy. (ohh! of course she doess xD)
denden after watchh moviiee.
go triiple8 buy food fer muii siisterr nn fer miie.
go homee aroundd 9pm lyke dhatt.
daa sampaii umahh, punyerr laa penatt.
nampak katill jer dgn jeans2 nn make-up2 tertiidoo sheyy.
keciiann elnaa ehkk, penatt glerr.
haha!! kk endd of ytdd.
wakee upp earlyy coz ii slept early ytdd.
haha!! readd upp shasha bloggiie, how sadd iish shee noww.
kesiiann diierr.
well, ii wanna helpp hyr budden ii dont tynk she wanna sharee wiif miie.
ii noee, shee donte ussually share probbs.
well shasha!
ii not owaess wiif frens.
ii noe dey donte need mee.
dhatts yy iim owaess wiif muii boiifiie.
yarr, iits truee we donte owaess saww each odere cozz we are iin the diif level.
ii onliie saww eu from far jer.
but iif eu really2 need miie jus msgg miie.
iim owaess dere fer euu =))
ii wanna bb wiif euu budden ii remember eu sayy wadd will aziimahh sayy iif eu were wiif other people knn.
"daa ade ___ pule akuu."
sumtynkk lyke dhatt.
shoo ii amm lykee giiviing eu some tymes wiif eur bestfren laa.
dhatts yy.
butt donte worry.
ii can bb dere fer euu, iif eu wannt miie too =)
ii just wanna see eu happy.
kk now ii wanna clean upp muii room coz jap lagiie wanna go outt laa.
shoo take care peoplee!!
kk ii tynk ii stopp here.
bb happy.
iim glad hussiien//whosaiint iish happy alreadyy =))
~eLiizAdd <33
//happy peoplee getts happy stuff lyke mee! =))

Tuesday, January 23 @ 6:46 PM

heylowws eu people.
now miie updatiing bout todayy.
23 JAN
ohh yAa b4 ii forgett.
HAPPY 9Months eLiizAdd (22JAN) stiill doiing strongg kn?
let's startt.
after siilentt readiing.
got engliish. Oral presentatiion.
goshh!! muii turnn.
ii was nervouss laa.
DUH ! everiione iishh.
haha!! denden notynk happen fer all subjectt.
ii hatee wadd happen after skool jus noww!!
really hate iit !! Fcukk!!
denden Faa &&nabilaa told miie bout "tat gurl"
thankss yaa. keep teeliing miie don't stopp.
ii really need to jumpe tat gurl 2mrww!!
she iish goiing to get iit from miie fer makkiing miie do lyke diiz.
haiishh !!
jus cc wadd happen 2mrw.
Tata!! tkcr!
ohh yaa. iim tynkkingg off.
Rebondiing muii haiir otr perm laa.
comment plss.
~eLiizAd <33
~ ii miishh alysshaa ((:

-piicturess- @ jb
Sunday, January 21 @ 12:36 PM

Labels: overdue pictures

Friday, January 19 @ 11:31 PM
ii wass justt HAPPILLY update muii bloggiie aboutt 5 miinutess agoo.
nn thiings chAnge shoo quiicklly..
nn guess wAddd.
thnxx nabila fer telliing mee abott tat gurl.
FCUK to da the gurll laa.
denden SECONDD!!
iim shoo PIISEDDD OFF wiif muii soo calleed "BROTHER".
ii noe eu are really2 badd.
mum owaes dont wan to giiv eu moneyy bcozz yy.
eu neva do wadd eu promiise.
nn wen eu nevaa get the moneyy.
eu steall iit !!!!!!
nn wadd everiione poiint fiinger off mee wenn theiir moneyy lose.
wadd cann ii do. NO ONE BELIEVE ME EXCEPT GOD!
ok ok. ii known eu laa FUCKERR.
gosshh!! ii hatte eu RAHMAN!!
nn eu say eu dont hav the heartt to take people moneyy.
mcm paham jerr jantann!!
padahall kau curikk pat DEPANN MATEE AKUU laa setann!!
and one moree.
eu owaess keep askiing mum fer skool moneyy.
eu sayy fer the next month. den a few weeks later eu askk agaiin.
nn den eur skool fiiniish stiill wann a liie sayy eu wann skool moneyy.
aiint eu badd!! dont eu realiisedd tat eu are a LIAR nn THIIEFF!!
ii hate euu, do eu noe tat.
eu take thiings fer grantedd.
euu wanna gett wadd eu wann jer.
but luckyy eu endd upp gettiing notynkk.
bcozz eu are USELESSS!! thank god eu realiised tat eu are USELESS.
iim shoo happy fer eu FER GETTIING NOTYNKK IN RETURN *clapp handss*
okaayy laa.
ii havv enoff off tokiing abt shoo called a strangerr liiviing iin a same housee && havv the same blood as mee.
now GO TO HELL!!
eLiizAd <33
II HAATEE EUU !! ii really doo ((:
iim puttiing muii ANGER oon diiz postt!

@ 10:16 PM
hello people2.
miie juss wanna updateee boutt todayy.
b4 ii startt lett miie wiish too abgg babyystarr.
tiime pastt shoo fastt iin skool todayy.
wanna noee whiie??
bcozz iit endd earlyy laa.
ape sajee laa elnaa. HAHA!!
erm.. fer P.E wass tiiredd-iing.
Run 4 roundss. Pushh upp. shutter ruNn &&squatts.
haiishh. quiitee tiiredd laa. nono. VERYY tiiredd.
denden CPA wass averagee shoo iish the other subjectt.
orall presentatiion.
goshh!! nextt muii turnn!! iim NERVOUSS laa.
god!! giiv miie strengthh.*prayiing*
haiisshh!! ii am not really readyy.
Mathss lessons iis owaes FUN fer miie coz ii love MATHSS!.
after skool, go homee wiif boiifiie.
denden go homee.
nn take a restt. BATHH-iing. &&go meet boiifiie.
go jln2 at cozwaee.
erm.. cariik bendee2. &&boifiie boughtt fer miee ANOTHER necklacee.
iit gott crown on iit.
THANKSS daddiie =)) syngg euu anyakk2 <3333
erm denden aroundd 7+ go homee.
hee meet farhan nn ii went homee.
tiiredd mahh. zZzzz.
noww miee chattiing wiib shahrull.
haha!! he sayy ii hatee demm. ape sajee laa korangg niie.
kk laa. waanna goo mandii &&yum2.
Take caree.
eLiizAd <333
~2 moree dayss tauu!! MWAHH!!!

-miie dae owAes-
Thursday, January 18 @ 9:31 PM
hello eu peoplee.
jus wantedd to update alittle laa.
wenn skool wiib boiifiie <333
skool wAs arghh!! boriingg.
iin sciience lessons ii doze off fer aboutt 5SECONDSS!
thnxx iirwan fer wakke-iing miie upp.
fer P.E playy captaiin ball.
whoo-hoo. muii gruopp wiin2.
2mrw got P.E larr. confErm condiitiioniing.
hope no run2. me don't lyke to get manyy2 sweatt.
Musiic, doo ntgg.
denden changee HP wiib adiiqAa.
hAaha. miie use hiis, he usee miine.
Adii, eur batt daa low giilerr uhh. sowiie ehkk.
hmph!! after skool.
goo meet boiifiie.
denden aroundd 3+ go home laa.
den jus now ii wentt to cozwaee wiib siis.
msg2 wiib hussiien kejapp jer.
denn tokk2 wiib boiifiie.
&&den reachh home skool AdiiJepon; BESTfren.
now wanna pack muii skool tiingyy.
denden wanna iironn muii skool tEe.
miishh muii boiifiie alott aloAdd.
daddy!! 3 more dayys tauu.
Tata peoplee.
tAke cAree.
eLiizAd <33

Monday, January 15 @ 8:37 PM
15 jAnn]]
well, todae notynkk muchh happen.
hmph!! ii have Maths nn MT hmwkk!!
yiipee ((: dont noe whiie todae got mood to do hmwkk liioxx.
denden iin the comp labb.
ii tok2 wiif adiiqa laa.
he wanna change Hp wiif mee AGAIIN lyke lastt tyme.
budden ii sae erm, not todaee.
ii dont now wen wanna go skool wiifhym agaiin laa.
haiissh. maluu nk tanyer.
iim waiitynk fer hym too askk laa.
erm, todae after skool.
wentt meet boiifiie nn e others at canteen.
errie &&sheevashh wasn't dere coz dey habb to go fer traiiniing iin a rush!
denden ii alsoo just notiice tat.
farhan diidn't come skool.
haha!! elnaa lmbtt uhh!
hehe. den after skool me+boiifiie, hussi3n &&baha went back together.
iit was raiiniing fer a FEW secondss.
n den stop &&start agaiin. e raiin was quiite weeiird laa accually.
haha!! denden aroundd 4+ ii rememberedd habb to go nn handd upp muii MT werkk uhh.
shoo ii go run backk skool n pass iit upp.
yeah!! luckky ii rememebered ((:
denden go home do notynkk.
mom n dad kluar wiifoutt tokiing to mee.
mom iis beiing SHOO chiildiishh laa.
but who cares, she dont wanna tok to mee den dont tok denn.
lyke wadd shidah's keychaiin says.
den iit alreadyy comiing 9 yett no one's at home.
fiine!! iim better off alonee, ii guess.
haiizz. yy must muii mom actt shoo chiildiish.
wadd she haven't grown upp kee?? haiishh!
dont wanna tok abtt iit.
no poiint tokiing, iit wont changee.
haiishh!! kk wanna fiiniish muii homewerk nn off to lala-landd.
wiifoutt tokiing to dem fer almostt 3 daes xD
iits truee!! 3 daess tauu.
~eLiizAd ♥
// ii dont noe whiie eu neva change?

raiin2 go awayy
Sunday, January 14 @ 10:10 PM
hello hapiie people ((:
erm.. ii wanna updatee abtt 2 daes ago.
nn tat iis on friidae &&sundae.
k ready set go!
stariight after skool.
meet upp boiifiie &&e others at e canteen.
ddenden help outt errie wiif hiis engliish lorr.
aroundd 1+ lyke tat.
everiione wantedd to go home &&take theiir boots as dey hav soccer at 3.30pm.
shoo ii followedd boiifiie to hys housee.
denden iit was damn heavyy.
ii was wett, DUHH!!
denden ii borrowedd boiifiie P.E shiirt.
den go skool back.
saw yana &&aliif. ii tynk dey are fiightiing ii guess.
hmph!! ii dont noe.
den meet upp e restt at skool canteen.
denden the match was cancel lorr.
the mole-y2 nvr lett &&so does mr justiin.
denden e auntyy go nn lockk the gate siia.
everiione wass lyke, FUCKK!!!
all diisapoiintedd facess.
erm. ii was siitynk wiif kak aiis.
she readiing *ehemm* storyybook.
den iizad go nn diisturdd mee n shoo
ii kacauu hym backk lorr.
den ii tynk kak aiis fiind iit fun laa. she kept laugh n laughh.
ohh, ii alsoo laughh. hehe.
hmph!! den farhan wass lyke shoo fed-up bcozz he kiick the chaiir den got loudd affect soundd.
woooo, scaryy.
denden everiione go home lorr.
boiifiie send miie backk nn den the rest off the day wass shoo bored.
bcozz NOboiifiie.
ii went to chriist cruchh to collect muii edusave bursaryy.
ii dont noe.
ii reachh dere aroundd 1.45 ii guess.
hehe. e most hate part was tat we habb to fiind ourr number on the chaiir.
damn ii hate tat partt.
denden ii foundd miine n ii siit downn.
aroundd 2.10pm doc. mohd maliki came iin n start the cemermonyy.
the 2 gurls bsiide mee was shoo damn noiisyy.
dey were lyke comment-iing on other people style lorr.
den ii look at demm, nn iiw as lyke.
"look at eu twu style ferst lorr. skiirt panjangg, cermiin mate zaman biile nk step besarr"
den ii was lyke okk can eu twu shutt up noww.
denn muii turn to get readyy.
damnn ii was shoo nervouss, although second tyme.
kk. the hall got aiircon. BEST!!
denden dey called outt muii name!! yeah!! dey got iit ryte.
den got muii envelopp. &&siit back down at muii chaiir.
ii saw some famiiliiar facess.
lyke muii classmate, radhyy &&more.
denden alreadyy finiish, got muii chequee.
nn doonee!! lets go home!!
ii gott $250 diiz tyme.
ii want lyke last tyme $500 sheyy.
nvm. ii tryy nn werk hardd diiz year.
budden lyke got manyy pandaii people iin class laa.
argghh!! kk elnaa giviing upp alreadyy.
denden ii went home.
siit2 watch tv.
called boiifiie, he at cozwae(ii was jealouss, but dosent wan to show iit)
hmph! he ajakk but ii refusedd to follow.
denden at aroundd 6+
order cannadiian piizza.
yumyum!! nn den the rest of e dae wass boredd.
*yawnn* kk. ii wanna sleep.
2mrw skool alreadyy.
boreddd!! haiizz.
tata(s) hapiie peopple.
tkcrr!! gudnyte.
~can eu lyke stop beiing shoo CHiiLDDiiSH mum?

Friday, January 12 @ 10:07 AM
hellos people who know muii passwerd.
malas sheyy nk updatee tapii kn.
ader org kn, surohh update sebab mcm boriing asyiik tk update jer.
keep readiing the same old tiingy.
hurhur!! sowiie lar.
kk. lets update!!
11 jAn ((:
ii wEnt to skool wiib muii bestyy boii; AdijEpon.
denden iits wAs raiiniing sheyy.
luckky iits not shoo heavyy.
denden at 525 lyke tat, saw sha2.
she scaredd off raiin lar, no laa she jus dont wan hyr sickness to get worst.
ciian diier.
hehe. denden we walkk to skool 2gether.
Miie, AdiijEpon &&aLysSha.
den sha2 askk miie to upload 2 of the piic la.
but ii haven'tt yett do iit.
sowiie shasha!! ii upload iit soon!!
denden wen reAch at skOol &&sha2 already mas0k cLass.
ii walk wiib AdiiJepon lar.
&&everiione was lyke lookiing at uss lar.
weiirdd!! dont noe whiie ler.
huhu!! but who cAres HAHA!!
denden erm.
after skool. ii go straiight to da canteen!!
told boiifiie tat ii want to siit2 at skool untill 3.30pm denden piick miie upp.
shoo, me alyssha &&EYLA siit iinsiide sha2 class.
ohh yaaa. gott shasha fwen, ziimah or sumtynkk.
ii donte noe.
denden Elya habb twu go fer basketball traiiniing.
goshh!! she joiin basketball. as a secondd CCA ii guess.
sukee atii diier larr. asalkn bahagiia((:
erm, den got faiiz, ziimah, shasha &&miie.
we went back together budden ii went seperated waes wiib dem wen we reach viista pArkk.
hehe!! bcozz he wantedd to meet miie. skalii he ask miie to follow hyr go iinsiide skool back.
he foget to take his runniing shoe ii guess.
denden alreadyy take.
went to triiple8 twu eatt. yumyum!!
huhu!! saw errie &&farhan, damn ii was blusheddd!!
denden aroundd 5.15pm went back home &&get changedd.
because kena raiin lar. heavyy summore.
haha!! denden alreadyy bathh. wen onliine.
chatt wiif hussiien, errie &&sheevashh.
ii onliie get to chatt wiib hussien sayiing hi &&ngan buat aper.
bcoz den he went offliine; shoo fast sheyy!!
haiizz. ii caan see he iish not iin a mood la.
yar lorr ii can even sae tat everiione no mood laa.
ohh yaa.
boiifiie toldd miie sumtynk happen iin maths class ii guess.
omgg!! ii was shoo embrassiing fer miie to ciite here laa.
ii onlii sharee sum parts onliie kae??
iif wan to noe the full storyy.
ask miie iin msn.
but ii guess the 4T1 nn 4T2 boii(s) &&gurl(s) knew abtt iit.
mr justiin spot-checkks boiifiie wallet, nk check got any tiink related to tobacco or noot.
denden deres NO siign of tabacco or sumtynkk but dere sumtynk else.
shiit!! everiione iin da class was laughiing shoo does mr justiin.
tat tingy make everiione laugh siia.
haha. nn boiifiie habb to thrownn away tat thiingyy.
haha!! tu larr. sape surohh daddy bawakk p skool.
nassiib tkde pape jadiie.
haha ((:
k lar. ii thiink iim done.
tata(s)!! Tc!!
~//eLiizAd <33>
~dont goo boii plss.

ferst dae of skool
Wednesday, January 3 @ 5:50 PM
3 jAn]]
ferst dAe of skool.
w0ah!! baju putehh sheyy budakk tuu.
No m0re sAiLormOon tEe
huhu!! kk shut upp!!
ii was supposedd to wake upp at 5.30am shoo tat ii can dry muii haiir &&do niicely muii haiir.
budden ii TERwake-up at 6.30am.
gossh!! iim goiing to b late.
den ii try muii bestt to dress upp a.s.a.p
haha!! denden ii tot iit was still 6.40 ke ape.
den ii look at the clockk!! OMG!! 7.00am alreadyy.
denden ii jus rushh out of the house ferget to take my moneyy.
haha.denden go blk 523, damn kt left miie.
bcoz ii was supposed to meet her at 6.45am hehe.
denden go dAe-one
Luckiilyy lisa &&shidot waiit fer mie.
hehe. kk.
den reachh skool at 7.20am.
late alreadyy.
cut iit shortt lar.
ii diidn't get to c the sec's one coz dey were haviing theiir briiefiing or sumtynkk.
hehe. denden erm.
panliing worst shey niie.
muii legg kene blliister!! damn paiinfull.
sakett siiak. jln mcm siial.
bad dae siia.
everiione donte noe how ii feel.
ii owaes left behiindd. no one noes.
haiixx. iits okeh lar.
ii owaes left alone.
the mrs sung go n do new skool rules pulakk!!
budden got 2 recess tyme.. haiixx.
nvr ask muii mum to giive more moneyy. hehe.
kk. stop here.
tata. tkcr!!
sho tat iish muii ferst dae of skool experiients.
how's ourss??
eLiizAd <33
~ii tot iit was forever??

1 jAnn.
Tuesday, January 2 @ 1:49 PM
yesterdae [[1 jAn]]
muii dad, mum, siiz, small siis &&miie wentt to Plaza Siingapura.
dere iish shoo manyy car.
the carpark iis FULL!!.
but luckiilyy we found a parkiing place.
denden ferst we go to thiis shopp Preciious momentt.
ohh, we owaes go dere to buy the Happy house stuff.
dey are shoo COLOURfull.<br>
ii love tat placee.
kk denden we off to thiis starhub shopp to c wads new laar.
denden muii dad wantedd to upgrade hiis fon to buy miie New hp.
ii was lyke wow.
budden erm, not too exciitedd.
donte noe whiie.
denden ii donte noe whiie, muii mum go n cancel den we walk out from the starhubb shopp.
denden we were lyke straviing.
we went to KFC to eatt.
we bought 2 ulitimate chicken meal &&a cheese friies.
one of the meal the burger wasn't readyy.
shoo we waiitedd.
den one of the guy sent us our burger n we start eatiing.
den suddenlt one more guy came to us &&giive us another burger.
we were shockedd.
budden we keep the burger. haha!!
free burger.
denden we go DAISO n many more.
den wen we wantedd to go home.
we walked past this OTTO shopp.
shoo we came iin.
muii famiilyy &&ii try loads off massagiing stuff.
shoo relaxiing yet geli-ness.
haha!! we got 2 stuff &&one free giift thiing.
1 fer the stomach, 1 fer eyemotiion &&the free giift was erm a back masagger or sumtynkk.
iit costt a bomb!! budden we still boughtt iit. Haha!!
now we were lyke try-iing.
one of dem iish fer slim &&triim.
wah!! kurus lar aku kalau pakaii tu harii2. but must also watch muii diiet.
haha!!. kk den we went to diiz condo house to see our gramma.
she wants to go bck to hyr house back whiich iish at penang.
after we see hyr alreadyy we go khayli's housee.
haha!! we eat fer diinner dere.
&&share our OTTO masagger wiif dem.
dey take theiir u-zap mini outt.
wah!! ours iish better ii guess.
haha!! well, ii told muii dad nxt tyme but the Big foot. iits iish shoo good!!
haiixx!! ii wan tat biig foot.
haha!! kk. ii better go now.
ape lagiie nk try lar niie. haha!!
tata. tkcr!!
~brand new mee!!

hello 2007 !!
@ 1:13 PM
thiis one below,
ii was supriised tat iit was muii siister who do iit.
muii familyy &&iie.
ii mean the biig familyy hav a barbeque at e.c.p.
iit was Funn.
okeh2 uhh. hmph.
my onli familyy wantedd to stayy overniite dere.
budden iit was lyke red the skyy shoo erm we deciided to go homee.
haha!! ohh yaa.
at 11.55pm eveiione were lyke siitynk neAr the beAchh to c the fiirewerks dere.
not onlii dere iish fiirewerks the shiip also horn n horn &&threw erm ii dont knw wad dey call tat tiingyy.
the liight dey threw were erm shoo BRIIGHT.
haha!! we diidn't do muchh dere.
exceptt eat &&eat.
ii gaiin loads of weiight.
kene diiet lagiie. hehe shhhh!!
kk. shall stopp.
tata. tkcr!!
eLiizAd <33
~hear muii heartbeatt.
Labels: beach

@ 12:49 PM


@ 12:19 PM
Labels: christmas