Tuesday, January 23 @ 6:46 PM

heylowws eu people.
now miie updatiing bout todayy.
23 JAN
ohh yAa b4 ii forgett.
HAPPY 9Months eLiizAdd (22JAN) stiill doiing strongg kn?
let's startt.
after siilentt readiing.
got engliish. Oral presentatiion.
goshh!! muii turnn.
ii was nervouss laa.
DUH ! everiione iishh.
haha!! denden notynk happen fer all subjectt.
ii hatee wadd happen after skool jus noww!!
really hate iit !! Fcukk!!
denden Faa &&nabilaa told miie bout "tat gurl"
thankss yaa. keep teeliing miie don't stopp.
ii really need to jumpe tat gurl 2mrww!!
she iish goiing to get iit from miie fer makkiing miie do lyke diiz.
haiishh !!
jus cc wadd happen 2mrw.
Tata!! tkcr!
ohh yaa. iim tynkkingg off.
Rebondiing muii haiir otr perm laa.
comment plss.
~eLiizAd <33
~ ii miishh alysshaa ((: