raiin2 go awayy
Sunday, January 14 @ 10:10 PM
hello hapiie people ((:
erm.. ii wanna updatee abtt 2 daes ago.
nn tat iis on friidae &&sundae.
k ready set go!
stariight after skool.
meet upp boiifiie &&e others at e canteen.
ddenden help outt errie wiif hiis engliish lorr.
aroundd 1+ lyke tat.
everiione wantedd to go home &&take theiir boots as dey hav soccer at 3.30pm.
shoo ii followedd boiifiie to hys housee.
denden iit was damn heavyy.
ii was wett, DUHH!!
denden ii borrowedd boiifiie P.E shiirt.
den go skool back.
saw yana &&aliif. ii tynk dey are fiightiing ii guess.
hmph!! ii dont noe.
den meet upp e restt at skool canteen.
denden the match was cancel lorr.
the mole-y2 nvr lett &&so does mr justiin.
denden e auntyy go nn lockk the gate siia.
everiione wass lyke, FUCKK!!!
all diisapoiintedd facess.
erm. ii was siitynk wiif kak aiis.
she readiing *ehemm* storyybook.
den iizad go nn diisturdd mee n shoo
ii kacauu hym backk lorr.
den ii tynk kak aiis fiind iit fun laa. she kept laugh n laughh.
ohh, ii alsoo laughh. hehe.
hmph!! den farhan wass lyke shoo fed-up bcozz he kiick the chaiir den got loudd affect soundd.
woooo, scaryy.
denden everiione go home lorr.
boiifiie send miie backk nn den the rest off the day wass shoo bored.
bcozz NOboiifiie.
ii went to chriist cruchh to collect muii edusave bursaryy.
ii dont noe.
ii reachh dere aroundd 1.45 ii guess.
hehe. e most hate part was tat we habb to fiind ourr number on the chaiir.
damn ii hate tat partt.
denden ii foundd miine n ii siit downn.
aroundd 2.10pm doc. mohd maliki came iin n start the cemermonyy.
the 2 gurls bsiide mee was shoo damn noiisyy.
dey were lyke comment-iing on other people style lorr.
den ii look at demm, nn iiw as lyke.
"look at eu twu style ferst lorr. skiirt panjangg, cermiin mate zaman biile nk step besarr"
den ii was lyke okk can eu twu shutt up noww.
denn muii turn to get readyy.
damnn ii was shoo nervouss, although second tyme.
kk. the hall got aiircon. BEST!!
denden dey called outt muii name!! yeah!! dey got iit ryte.
den got muii envelopp. &&siit back down at muii chaiir.
ii saw some famiiliiar facess.
lyke muii classmate, radhyy &&more.
denden alreadyy finiish, got muii chequee.
nn doonee!! lets go home!!
ii gott $250 diiz tyme.
ii want lyke last tyme $500 sheyy.
nvm. ii tryy nn werk hardd diiz year.
budden lyke got manyy pandaii people iin class laa.
argghh!! kk elnaa giviing upp alreadyy.
denden ii went home.
siit2 watch tv.
called boiifiie, he at cozwae(ii was jealouss, but dosent wan to show iit)
hmph! he ajakk but ii refusedd to follow.
denden at aroundd 6+
order cannadiian piizza.
yumyum!! nn den the rest of e dae wass boredd.
*yawnn* kk. ii wanna sleep.
2mrw skool alreadyy.
boreddd!! haiizz.
tata(s) hapiie peopple.
tkcrr!! gudnyte.
~can eu lyke stop beiing shoo CHiiLDDiiSH mum?