Rainbow Pumpkin
Tuesday, August 24 @ 10:23 PM
There's this girl (this girl), the one and only wonder of this world (my world),
And it don't matter if the road gets rough (yeah), if me rich or poor (yeah),
She stay down with me if me go to war (my girl).
IMY :(
24 Aug 2010.
I decided to bake rainbow cupcakes.
Because i saw one of my friend tweet dhat she was doing cupcakes for her mum!
And i was like wow, i never do this before.
So, i try to bake it today.
Went to Cold storage, ntuc and shop&save to buy the ingredients.
My gf, Shidot and Big sister help out. :D
It was fun.
The inside of the cupcakes.

Labels: Family, girlfriends, Rainbow Cupcakes, random