Monday, July 19 @ 6:16 PM
I am bored, and i saw this survey in someone's blog.
So i wanna give it a go, why not ?
So i wanna give it a go, why not ?
You’re not allowed to lie, OK?
Ok go.
Did anyone hurt you in the past couple days?
Err, no.
Who was the last girl that called you?
Does she mean anything to you?
Yea, she's my classmate!♥
Have you had sex today?
WTH, hell no. -.-
Do you still care about your last ex?
Hell no :)
God bless that poor bastard _|_
Look in your call log, who was your last phone call from?
If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
Err, nope, mayb?
Does anything on your body hurt right now?
My leg.
Do you believe love can last forever?
Yes, of course ♥
Has anyone had there hand in your pants today?
What should you be doing right now?
Err, rearrange my bed back after moping. hehe
What’s bothering you?
Err, No company bcuz No prepaid, no time, no brains!
Do you own more then one bathing suit?
Yeah, wohoo!
Do you have siblings?
Yeah, big brother, big sister and lil sister :)
Last person you talked to in person?
In person? Don't have.
In groups, have! ♥
Do you think someone’s thinking about you?
Err, maybe? I don't know.
What made you the happiest today?
Ohh KFC Flaming Chilli Chicken! Nak lagy please?
Are you happy with how life is going for you?
Is there anyone in particular that you’re missing right now?
In the last 6 months can you say you truly cared about someone?
Yeah ♥
Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
Eu can say dhat again ♥
Name of your favorite color?
Err, HotPink, LimeGreen, RedHot, SkyBlue, DeepPurple. Ohh so many~
When’s the last time you were outside in the rain?
Err, Saturday. Riding in the rain♥
Do you have feelings for someone?
Of course la! Yakdush.
What is your hair looking like right now?
Curl up in a ball♥
Have you ever been to a Britney Spears concert?
I wish.
Did you sleep alone last night?
Everyday :(
Is tomorrow gonna be a good day?
Yes, of course!
Are you dating the last person you kissed?
Err, idk. hehe ♥
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be?
Err, maybe.
What’s on your bed right now?
On the bed? Pillows, blanket, one book and school bag.
Are you looking forward to something as of right now?
Yes, money bebeh! hehe.
Ever been called babe/baby?
Say you were given an alcohol test right now, would you pass?
Yes, maybe?
Have you ever kissed the last person you talked to on the phone?
Mummy, of course la ! Yakdushh.
Today did you see ‘that someone’ that makes you happy?
Nope. :(
Who do you hug everyday?
Everyone i meet, must hug! ;)
Do you like tight or loose clothes better?
Both? Depends.
What clothing style do you like on the opposite sex?
Not typical, looks smart and very yummy. haha!
Are you on a laptop?
Do you text more girls, or guys?
Err, guys? wait. Both Even!
Would you consider yourself good looking?
Cute maybe = Ugly but adorable. Cheyyy ;)
Who is your best guy friend?
Idk, oh so manyy.
Who is your last text from?
Favourite clothing store?
Too many favorites♥
What colour is your hair?
Jetblack, with some tersesat gold streaks at the back.
Why aren’t you dating the person you like?
How to? I don't know his feelings towards me.
If you could visit anywhere, where would you go and why?
Err, bali ? nak holidayy.
What’s your favourite band?
Too manyy.
Do you have a formspring?
Yeahhhhhhhhh, i do!
What would you say is your best feature?
My eyes? Cheeks? hehehhe
Favorite movie?
I got tons!
How much £££ do you have?
$22, really! hahaha
Are you a vegetarian?
Err, not really.
Favourite place to be?
Anywhere i want.
Do you get good grades?
Hehe, used to not anymore.
Playing the field, or serious relationship?
Serious relationship♥
Do you like flirting?
HEHE. Who dosen't?
What do you hear right now?
Playhouse Disney songs, idk what tittle.
Favourite sport to watch?
Volleyball/beach ball♥
Do you ever read the ingredients on food labels?
Sometimes. hehe.
Do you like Paramore?
How about Twilight?
Justin Bieber?
Ah, yes.
Are you manipulative?
Can say la.
Sexiest thing on the opposite sex?
Dimples, Abbs, Smile♥ hehehehehehe.
Meanest thing someone’s ever done to you?
Ohh, too mean to say here.
Would you rather have one best friend or surrounded by acquaintances?
Err, bestfriend la.
What kind of phone do you have?
Apple Iphone.
What kind of phone do you want?
Iphone 4 or BlackBerry smart phones please?
When’s your birthday?
22 Sept !
Do you like Classic Rock?
Can la.
Ok la.
Are you gay?
Hahaha. no -.-
Some random person comes up and tells you you’re sexy, you say?
Haha, crazy people!
Favorite candy?
Strawberry lollypop.
Hot face or hot body?
Ever been hit on by someone older?
Haha, yes.
What state were you born in?
Singapore :)
Long or short hair?
Long hair, but wants longer !
Labels: random, survey/quiz