Sunday, April 25 @ 9:20 PM

Haha, today is Sunday.
No Healthy Sunday today, busy preparing for Naiya's 5th birthday party next week.
Cuz mummy will b werqing on weekdays den saturday sometimes werq sometimes never werq. So we only left wif this week to find the stuff we need, like order cake etc.
So tired. The whole day run here run there.
Go marsling den back home den Yishun den woodlands den woodland loop.
Now home sweet home.
Tmrw hav to report to school at 8.30 in front of the customer service.
Hopefully we get in [:
Oh talking about birthday party.
I also volunteer to make a kebab fruit on dhat day since i learnt hospitality course during secondary school. So why waste the skill..
CCheeeyyyyy! Haha. joking.

It's 9.41pm.
Going to sleep now, sleepy already.
Goodnights [;
And i would really hoping to see girlfriends there., really!
dhat is the only wish i
cuz dhat is the only day we will get to be together.
Labels: birthday's, Family, hospitality course, random, school