let's settle this
Saturday, July 25 @ 10:14 PM
Bloggy is being such a bitch!
Well, i want this to end.
What i'm going thru, what's happening and can we stop this?
Number 1.
It's done.
And what i'm trying to do is just distance away and let the it fade.
Just like what i'm doing to dhat Cttn On guy, nvr go werq=didn't see hym=feelings gone=elna have move on. Haha!
So ya, mayb this is the best for the three of us, just don't go far.
Number 2.
I really don't know what to do.
This is also for a friend of mine. Stop ignoring me for a new friend! I didn't say anything when eu wanted to stop me being friends with hym. I know eu don't lyke hym for whatever the reason. He mayb new to me, but dhat dosen't mean he will b there for me everytime i need him. He won't replace eu for sure and to me, he is just a schoolmate. I can lose him with nothing to remember instead of eu. I know you care and dhat i will forever appreciate so please. Since eu know him better, protect me from whatever eu think he is capable of doing rather than ignoring me and let him get closer to me.
Had enough of losing so much people at th same time.
Lastly &th most importantly.
"The silent treatment"
My friendships ties are strong. It always have been strong, tho mis-communication may come tumbling down with a blink of an eye. I say what I mean and mean what I say. That way there is no confusion. In my friendships I give them my all. But I have learned what you give is not always what you get in return. When things are going great with our friends, lyfe is good. But what happen when things get not-so-great?
The truth is, even the Greatest Friendship In The World will run into some bumpy spots. Everyone fights with their friends every once in a while, whether it's a small misunderstanding or an atomic blow-up. Because our close friends mean so much to us, fighting with them can make us feel hurt, angry, frustrated, and deeply sad. So, accept that fights are normal. That's the easy part. Knowing how to deal with them is a little harder.
I did make some few mistake. Sorry for not contacting, but still i don't figure that i'm the only one here to blame. I can't go on going everywhere faking it dhat we are alright. Please gurls, we been together for so long to end like this. We all have our own problems. Now, i don't care who is right or wrong i just want this to end and i'm giving in cuz i don't want to lose eu guys anymore. I don't want that cold reaction anymore, I don't want to bumped into each other and act lyke strangers, I don't want to erase all the times we been thru bcuz to me, my girls are my life. They are more than anything. I still want the jokes, the dirty tricks, sleepovers, movie marathon, ton, juicy gossips, picking on each other, beach, movie dates, friday meet ups, eating maggie together and everything. No one can do it better than eu guys. Let's make this argument a lesson and hopefully make us stronger and even closer in future. Insyallah.
Remember the vow we use to say, "Promised that we will be together forever".
Sorry for everything, this is truly from the bottom of my heart.
I am really not good in werds so i'm sorry.
Labels: problems