elna jiwang lagi ?
Wednesday, July 15 @ 11:28 PM
Hello hello hi hi, haha!
Today school was good. Class start at 9am all th way to 4pm..
Ferst lesson was REO, i pay attention in class and i think this was th only chapter dhat i pay attention. The unit was about theft, burglar &robbery. Haha!
-Lunch Break-
We didn't hav plan so, we lepak inside Retail hub, kan best ade aircon best pulak tuu. Ade bnyk mirror, Bolehh ameq many many gambaa. Hehe!
-inside fitting room-
And den we tried out some costume dhat we displayed in the hub.
Haha, this sume case tkde keje plus chop with stamp boring gler ke babai. Haha!
After break was SES, and dhat is when i updated my blog on my previous entry. And i got number 9 for th presentation.
I don't want! I don't want! I don't want~
I keep whining to Mr Yeo whenever he walk past me, i will conferm keep saying I don't want to do, i don't want to do!! Haha!
Sape sey nk buat, aku conferm tak buat. CONFERM plus chop with stamp tak akan!
Goodbye 40%..
And den it was CRN, where we are still in th air-con room revising for tmrw Unit 1-4 test.
Sape2 da blaja? Nak ajar? Yang kurang ajar? Haha!
Diam la elna, stop it laa elnaaa.
And this is th tyme where i tersangkut at one of Apit song, Tak ku sangka tak ku duga.
Seriously, klw elna da jiwang. selamat hari raya, earpiece 24/7 dkat telinge. Elna da susah nak jage. Haha!
Ok den i trained straight to werq.
When i came, April was doing the cookie cake display so me, i sebok2 selit2 pon draw2 dkat paper yg dkat bawah nie..
I was bored, what do eu expect from elnaa? Hehe!
Den now, i'm at home.
I want to go study but i don't think i can cause me vely vely th tired and sleepy and boring and lonely. Haha!
Sorry ya kawankawan cuz today my blogg abit #@*(#@&%@^@&$@.
Sorry, ampun beribu ribu ampunn :)
Goodnight everybody *blow kiss*
Labels: ite classmates, jiwang, projects, school, werq, werqfriends