Eu got alooot to catch up gurl
Tuesday, March 17 @ 12:31 AM
Basically and honestly, i got nothing to update.
Just so happen dhat, i'm bored and i'm just bored. I hate when i get bored.
Sorry, this post is so random.
Just now, in the afternoon went to meet bby at Causeway Pt. We had lunch together at Banquet and then we got no plans, mum asked to buy afew things on lists at Shop&Save. So, walked all the way from Cwae to Vista point. Bump into Farhan &Kaka otw there. And den, after pay all the things at the counter, b help me with the things and he even carry them all for me. And this is the part where everyone goes, awwwwwww. Ok shut up! After dhat, he send me home and he went off to his werq. Done!
Den, i watch tv at home. It's rainning outside, so take a nap. Time, 9pm. Watch more tv, talk on the phone with bby. And den more tv. He went for his night werq. Yadaa yada yadaa, it's time for me to sleep now. Sorry, this post is so random.
Well, i'll b werqing tmrw. And Wednesday.
Hopefully someone or sometynk dosen't spoil my mood.
Ok so, didn't i warn eu dhat this post is gonna b random? Told ya told ya! But if eu are reading up till now. Eu should really stop reading and go and sleep. It's 12.44am for godsake!!
Just so happen dhat, i'm bored and i'm just bored. I hate when i get bored.
Sorry, this post is so random.
Just now, in the afternoon went to meet bby at Causeway Pt. We had lunch together at Banquet and then we got no plans, mum asked to buy afew things on lists at Shop&Save. So, walked all the way from Cwae to Vista point. Bump into Farhan &Kaka otw there. And den, after pay all the things at the counter, b help me with the things and he even carry them all for me. And this is the part where everyone goes, awwwwwww. Ok shut up! After dhat, he send me home and he went off to his werq. Done!
Den, i watch tv at home. It's rainning outside, so take a nap. Time, 9pm. Watch more tv, talk on the phone with bby. And den more tv. He went for his night werq. Yadaa yada yadaa, it's time for me to sleep now. Sorry, this post is so random.
Well, i'll b werqing tmrw. And Wednesday.
Hopefully someone or sometynk dosen't spoil my mood.
Ok so, didn't i warn eu dhat this post is gonna b random? Told ya told ya! But if eu are reading up till now. Eu should really stop reading and go and sleep. It's 12.44am for godsake!!