Thursday, September 11 @ 8:22 PM
Todae had EOA practical.
Eu might have read what i'm going to write in any one of wgs' blogs.
But i am still going to write down what i went thru in school today.
Yes, as you know.
Todae a fire broke down in school due to overheating at the hall.
And for the ferst tyme, it disturbed th national exams.
Over the 8/9 years, that was the ferst fire dhat was not planned.
(That is what i heard)
Everyone thought it was a fire exercise or maybe
waiting someone to say it was a false alarm Do not panic
But it wasn't, so my class make our way to the admin.
And were not allow to communicate or hand signal wf anyone at all.
It's weird dhat the fire didn't make the students panic instead the teachers' are.
Bcoz i heard some teachers going round shouting,
And some with panic faces, how cute! Haha!
And on tyme, we saw those scdf mens in those red fire truck riding in.
The fire went out afew mintues later but the electricity went off.
So we had to wait outside the lab for the electricity to come back.
And we proceed wf our werk with an additional 30mintues.
Well, for today break-fast.
I'm going to do the cooking just for my loving family.
It's my ferst tyme, so just bare wf th unsatisfied dishes today.
I've yet to decide about going to school 2mrw,
but last minute mind can always happen.
Ehk Bitch, Last Warning Untok Kau!
sape mkn chilli, dier terase pedas.