Wednesday, July 16 @ 4:13 PM

I love maths but no maths today.
I love Science too but i hate English!
But i really hate what i am going thruu.
Maybe this is wad my surroundings are right now this few weeks.
- Flirts
- Other people accompany
- Fights
- No more time lazy to make tyme
- Worst, broke up of relationships
i'm in the middle.
All i got to do is decide whether i want it or not.
It's been two days i been waking up late for school.
Yesterday, i slept at 12plus or later and woke up at 7.30-7.40am. Shyt!
The reasons, i was on the phone with my ex-primary sch mate, apil.
He really bring out those memories back.
Especially wen he tell the story abt wen we were pri 5. Awwwww!
and of course, bring happiness and hope in my lyfe agaen.
He, me and some of others primary sch peeps gonna meet up this weekends. Yeahh!
But, i shall not go beyond lines. Too badd.
I'm really happy to know dhat someone is always there for me [:
2morw, sure absent from school.
Not bcoz got massrun lahh, no mass run animore ponn.
bcoz going out to buy wedding gifts den go bouquet and all.
So busy busyy me!
Today tv programme so good.
From 7 till 10 gonna be facing the tv all the way.
Love Blossoms, Sayang-sayang, Beach Ball Babes n more.
Sayang-sayang?! why am i keep on looking forward on it? WTH?
So goodnights okayy.
Don't always believe what eu see bitch!!