Monday, July 14 @ 8:07 PM
Fyi, make changes on my profile, the front page and songs.
School was school.
Talking about boyfie,
I really miss Dinosaur alot alot, i swear!
Did i mention about my boyfie &friends being in the papers. I kept dhat newspaper! [:
And last i saw hym was agess ago. Hmpfff!
I wanna meet him so badly but we two are just so busy with our stuff.
Me with my studies and preparing my sis wedding while he, with far-away sch, cca and takraw training.
But, he should know this.
No matter how busy i am, i still think of him.
*Chey cheyyyyy*
In class, oh please.
Someone wake me up!
Every lessons make it so boring dhat i fall asleep.
And teachers had not been coming in for class, or late.
2morow, Roller Blading!
But i'm in a beginner's group, i dont know how i end up there.
Ok bedek, i just joined for fun &for the sake of dearest.
Some more, my instructors is cooler den the others [:
Currently, just watch Love Blossoms and now
waiting for the clock to strike 9.00pm for my another Chinese drama to start.
Beach Ball Babes, i love dhat show.
And gonna watch dhat ___sinar, malay show dhat my gf-es say is good.
See eu tomorrow!
Ok, goodnight loveones.