Saturday, June 7 @ 5:41 PM
7 JUNE 2008

Old pictures, btw.
(Pink shirt) New hair, (Green shirt)Old hair.
Currently not at home, guess where?
Probably somewhere eu ppl don't know.
Ryte now, i'm havin mood swingss lahh.
2mrw havin party bbq at east coast
Harap2 hari ni hujan selebat-lebatnye so 2mrw tak hujann. Amin!
Celebratingg Zack 10th Birthday
Theme: Dinosaur bebehhhhh [:
Seriously, i got nothing to share for todayy.
Erm, so gonna update 2mrw pic as soon as possible ok ppl?
Will be uploading it at multiply [:
And before i go, Saw this perfume??
Chance Chanel
Mum gave me, baek tak?? [:
Very wangi but ryte now da tgl half bottle daaaaa.
Haishhhh, asl lah ginie?Asal?