Tuesday, April 8 @ 11:22 AM
April 7 -08
Horoscope todae sae, To make a fresh start with someone, you must sort through deep feelings. Be honest.
Ohgawdd! I tynk i missed dhat chance alreadyy ):
Todae school was tiredd. Maths was lyke no mood alreadyy but lucky i was sitting nxt to gfes so dey were lyke playing "ketiak" and writing sometynk on the piece of paper abt our friendship, laughh lyke crazyy sehh. Den LCD talk2 with Mr billy to get our class even closer.
Den after school, me n liskie went library. The moment we entered the lib. All we saw was so muchh books so we slowly n quietly leave the place without noone noticing us. Hahahaa!
Ps Im So So So Sowie Liskieee :D