Sunday, April 6 @ 11:20 AM
APRIL 5 -08
In the morning was supposed to go general hospital but den it was cancelled. My mum and me already readyy to go out so went decided to go causeway pointt.
Reach cozwae, i wanna eat Macdonald butden it was super full so we went banquet instead.
So went we enter banquet, it was lyke super cramped and suddenly heard got ppl saed "Mempersembahkan Yusry dari KRU" so i was lyke where? where? where? Den look around i lost my mum, dapat tau my mum already run to the front. and also got the main actress from the new movie, duyungg. So i went to find sit with the pram and begs all over me.
So went mum already puas see them, she told me dhat Yusry was super handsome and different. But, i didnt get to see ):
So after eat we went to Macdonald to buy ice-cream. I tried the new Milo Mcflurry. And naiya buy the rasberry flavour blast. Ohhya, we didnt even pay a single cent and we didnt even know dhat gurl.
Convo of my mum n the gurl at the cashier.
Gurl: Yes cik, can i help eu. Hahaa!
Mum: Ni satu (pointing at the rasberry flavour blast on the board)
Gurl: Laaa, beli satu je? Beli dua lahhh ):
Mum: Tkpe lahh, satu cukopp.
ME: Mama, ica nk try niee (pointing at the milo mcflurry)
Mum: Uhh, kae2, satu milo mcflurry.
Gurl: Yeahhh2 beli duaa.
Mum: Beli dua, bayar satu je boleh takk. (This was a joke)
Gurl: Bayar satu ekk? Alamak nnt kene buang kerja lahh pulak.
Gurl putting milo nuggets in the cup.
Mum: Ape tuu? Mcm taik kambing je?
Gurl: hahahahaa! nie milo nuggets lahh cik, ape pulak taik kambingg.
*Mum and gurl laughhh*
Gurl: Nah cik (handing over both ice-cream)
Mum: brapee?
Gurl: Huhh? Tkpe2. Kn daa bayar. Shhhhhh!
Mum: Mane adeee.
Gurl: Ade cik. Jgn risauu. *wink*
Mum: (looking ard to see who paid it)
Gurl: Cik, enjoy mkn je kae? Saye nk serve costumer laen (: (BIG SMILE)
Mum: Ohh, terima kasih iye deqq!
Gurl: Sama-sama cik.
So good ek? Got free ice-cream. Hehehee!
So after dhat meet khayli and we went to woodlands lame, sheng siong to buy kitchen things and den drop dem off at causeway point and now, we are homee.
And ohh yes!! I am so wanna watch this two movie. It is already out in cinema right now!
Definitely, maybe

And this malay movie, Duyungg
