Saturday, April 12 @ 2:22 PM
11 April 2008
Todae is Woodgrove Secondary 9th Annual Sports Dayy.
Did i get it right?? Hahaa!
So yes, my dad drop my gfes and me at the main entrance of woodlands stadium. By then, it is only 6.30am and tyme past fast dhat more n more people came in. So yes, the race started too. Shidot, dont feel bad otayy! Then, dinosaur came to the stadium but Mr justin didnt allowed dem to enter. Why sehh? Tk fair!! Abeh nxt year mcm mane sehh! Talked to dinosaur outside for awhilee den enter back in. Cheer3 Talk3 Bored3. Saw Mr Heng, talked to hhym. Complain things out! Ahhaa! Ohyaa, When i was in Sec 2 & 3. I used to have this friend, we always hang out by the railings during sportsdae, cheering and shouting out loud, tickle each other n laugh lyke a monster together but i dnt know why we didnt do it this year. Ok2, so at 11plus the sportsdae endedd!
So after sports dae GFES, went to cway point to eat. Haven't eaten since morningg except for one piece of Potato Chips dhat Catty bought. Eat eat n eat den i didnt realise dhat dinosaur was at banquet too, directly sitting infront of me and i didnt saw hym at all until he met me. Shuckss! Went in to afew shops den i didnt follow dem go Catty house, i met dinosaur instead.
Meet dinosaur. We went to sembawang and admiralty pasar
To Shidot.
Eu are not a saw loser! Eu just tripped, dhats all. Its not your fault that eu tripped. The track was slipperyy. We are not dissapointed in you lahh, eu tried! Good try gfes! So stop saying eu are a saw loser or i'll kick your butt! Hehh!
D, How do i make eu believe in me again?