Saturday, February 16 @ 6:12 AM
Yesterdae was superbb! except for the last part, going home tyme. Hmpff!
So yes, i went out with dinosaur twu somewhere. Well, guess wad. I lost my ez-link agaen for the countless tyme. i mean, i didn't lost it. i misplaced it in my house. Hehee! Hope i get to find it soon(:
So yesterdae, we wore the LO-VE couple tee. && it look sometynk lyke diz.

Now, i can't wait for our 22monthsary. Its gonna be super superb! Hehee! I really do enjoy and had loads of fun yesterdae night, like he promised! I hope the night never end.

THANK YOU DINOSAUR. I will remember yesterdae night forever in my heart.
Labels: Valentine's Day