Friday, February 22 @ 1:20 PM
Heyhey! 21FEB08.
and sowie Catty, i couldn't accompany eu for the rehearsal i wish i cud but i can't.
School was a super funn otay! My class is a little united now, and everyone should agrees on dhat! I love 4T1 `08. Mwahh mwahh! Ahhaaa! Just now p.e is super fun! Only dhat need to combine with the 3t2. I love the part where the whole lot of 3t2 VS 4T1! Its just super funn! Let's do dhat agaen! Yuppyupp!
After school, hang out for awhile with girlfriends. Talk about our lyfes and problems. Yess yes, i do cryy when i talk about myself. I hope dey understand coz i also dont know why i cry over stupid useless thingg! Urghhh~ Okk2. Well, at least we care for one another! I love eu girls otayy!
While walking home with Liskie & Shidot. We were stopped by the two neighbourhood police officers. They take down our names n all. We were scaredd ok! Hmpfff! Den meet my mum and dad went to cozwae to eat and pay bills and den off to woodlands lame to buy kitchen stuuff! I love going dere! I could just pick anytynk i wanted dere, it is damn cheap! And just now i saw a chinaman who buy lyke billons of port meat (in cans) fill full in dhat $1 coin trolley. Can eu imagine dhat? Haha!
Funn and laughter is over now.
Now, its tyme for me to sleep. 10mins to 9.30pm alreadyy!
Tomorrow is ELIIZAD 1YR10MONTHS Anniversary!