Sunday, January 20 @ 6:22 AM
TODAY, 19 JAN 08.
My horoscope today is...
Today you'll finally be able to get organized about what you are feeling and why.
In Detail
You will be feeling an awful lot of conflicting emotions early on today. They'll be swarming around your head and keeping you confused! But don't worry -- before the morning is through, you will be able to slow down and get organized. What you are feeling, and why? Examine each thought that pops into your head and figure out where it's coming from. File it away in its appropriate place -- and you'll be able to move through the rest of the day easily.
Yes, It true.
I am confused alreadyy.
I hope everything is gonna be okayy.
Oh god! Help me!
Should i leave him or wadd!
Stupid siak this dumbfuck Yana!
Talk abt my realtionship sial!
Den wad! Wanna tell the whole sch!
I feel like committing a suicide now.
&&seriouly i'll haunt everyone who nvr give me peace wen i'm alive sial.
Fucker sial!
Urgh! I lost my mood already!