Saturday, January 19 @ 1:02 PM
Today, 18 JAN 08.
School was so kecohh. CPA was gerekk!, 4T1 eu know wad i meant! Maths was so bored and scaryy coz people keep on shooting things by rubber band! That is sooo childish! &&eventually, it hits my gf otay! U gotta pay 4 wad eu did, Azhar! English was otay too. I think everything is so usual.
After sch i walked around, alone. I just wanna be alone for that period of time.Haishh! Meet dinosaur after that. Then, go home at 6plus.
Just now i went to vista point with Catty! Thanks Catty for following and also sowie for wasting your time :D Just now at Shop & Save while queing up, Catty n me saw an auntie buying Condom! The auntie keep on looking at us coz i think she like scared2 to payy it. Ahhaaa! Den we went home. Currently chatting with Shidot Only. && Now i wanna watch Sinaran Mentari or wadd so ever.
Till here.
p/s: I Want U If U Throw That Habit Of Yours.