Friday, January 11 @ 2:10 PM
- First Post Of The Day -
Science Lessons !
1st Lessons.
How do you separated the iron filings and another mixture?
-Use A Magnet!
&&this is the result !
It look 'ewww' at first but u will get use to it.

2nd Lessons.
How to u make a liquid solution become a hard crystal?
First we have to boiled the soulution.
Until u see a thick layer of crystal at the top of the soultion.

Let it cooled down for at least 5 mins.
And then put in the crystal !

Wait for a few days, around 1 to 2 days.
Wait till u can see a glittering crystal is finely harden.
&& this is the result n this is what u get !

Isn't it interesting.
I love Science lessons, only when they have Practical class.
If its all the way theory, den the class is dead!
So there u have it!
Science lessons for the day.
Labels: science