dinosaur birthday !
Tuesday, October 23 @ 2:22 PM
First of all, i wanna wish my one and only daddy dinosaur HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAYY! && HAPPY 1YEAR 6MONTHS ANNI. TO ELIIZAD TOO !!
So today, 22 OCT 07
In the morningg went to sch with BMUDBMUD.
Den she forgot somethingg. Patah balek rumahh dier.
Wah! The way she bang her house mcm dier gangsta nk collect utang ngan org rumah tu sehh.
joking k BMUDBMUD.
den went bck to sch, NEARLY late but i was use to it.
Then sch was boringg.
Oh yaa, after recess me &&shidot bought HL Milk.
she buy chocolate &&mine is strawberry.
We drank it in classroom.
haha! sampai saket perot sehh.
Basi kn shidot(private convo)
Den play computer all the way in schh.
I chat with Shidot, E1, Adiqa &&Azaa, like wad sehh.
padahal tk jauh ponexcept for Azaa who was absent just noww.
blahh blahh blahh.
Den went back home at 12.15pm.
Den met Dinosaur outside.
&&den he waited for me to get change.
den we go out.
Dinosaur together with me celebrated his birthday at SEOUL GARDENN.
Guess how much is our entryy fees?
S$52 !!
urgh! well, at least its worth it.
I wanted SWENSEN but he don't want it.
But it's ok. At least he if happy on hys special day.
We watch Moviess !!
&& stuff dhat we wanted to spend the whole time to ourselff.
We bought loads of thingg.
HAHA, i am still collecting money to buy him a present.
(Although we bought present already for each other)
I can't type here coz, he will find out.
Haha. I am lack with $120+ gitu..
I guess, u people guess it already.
Well, never mind. Ok2. I am tired.
Just see wat pic i have upload okk.
Today, we spend the total of......
OMGG!! that is alot ryte??
So goodnyte peoplee.
TATA &&TakeCaree!

Labels: dinosaur's birthday, seoul garden