Friday, August 3 @ 9:00 PM
Diary diaryy,
today was Mr &Mrs Liang last dae off skool.(they don't want to teach animore)
whereas for Ms Seng she is transferring i guess?.
well, at least i hav hyr email add n telephone no.
2morow mayyb goingg out wif DADDY ELIIZAD.
ohh ya, i lost my fon. its okk, its cheap aniwae.
todaay i was quiet coz my head is damn heavyy.
i feel veryy giddy.
i went home after playing comp at library.
i immediately sleep n the bad part was, I GOT A HIGH FEVER wen i woke up.
well, my dad found out n was panickingg.
he ask me SO MANYY Qns, to conferm dhat i didn't get dengue fever.
Touch WOOD !
haha! at least i have one caring family ok?
ok laa, i guess dhatt's the endd.
i wanna restt.