Saturday, February 3 @ 12:28 PM
hallo eu peoplee.
well, aniiwaee.
tat dayy ii went to natiional stadiium.
ii went dere wiif dad, dad's frens, muii siis nn khaylii.
ii tookk a little piic budden haven't uploadd iit yett.
will upload iit soon ((:
the placee was shoo funn !! ii mean lyke iit was ermm kecoh-ablee.
shouttinng dere, shoutiing here.
boo dere boo here.
horn dere, horn here.
horn horn horn horn , BUTOHH !!
hahaha!! iit wass funn.
wen the malaysiian goal, people behiind mee gave upp on siingaporee.
but too bad siingapore wiin the malaysiian wiithe the penaltyy.
after the gamee. ii lostt muii voiiccee
ferst tyme ii lost muii voiice nn ii enjoyy itt ((:
nn e nxt dayy at skool, eventually adii &&iirwan laugh at muii funny voiicees.
yea, after we left the stadiium, we went to driive thru macdonaldd.
we boughtt food fer urselff. yummy !! coz we are hungryy.
denden aroundd 2+ iin the morniing reachh home nn puff !! to wonderlandd!!
ii habb funn !!
k byee!!
~eLiizAd <33
ii hate eu giirl !!