Friday, February 9 @ 10:26 PM
hiie dere.
jus updatiing fer a sake of sumone, who make miie mad ryte now.
let me shared.
wad does fren treat eu as??
are dey owaes dere for each other?
do dey care about eu?
are dey faiir??
do deyy owaes shared probs, even one?
do dey ask y ii cryy?
do dey trust eu?
dey iish shoo manyy fcukking Q iin muii headd.
yet, not even one fcukiing person giive miie those answer.
haiissshh!! ii really2 wanna move outt.
leaviing wiif dem, giiv mie hell.
all the naswere above, are NO.
bcoz to miie. frens are equall twu RUBIISH !!
unless sumone open the door to muii heart nn show miie wad iish frens supposed to mean.
ii jus wantedd to tell "hyr" abt sumtynk.
nn see startedd scoldiing miie nn shoo onn.
nn she even sayy. donte mentiion muii name to hyr?
WTF !!
wad diid ii do wrongg??
ii haven't had a werd wiif hyr pon.
den she started beiing lyke diis.
i donte beliieve iit.
yayaya. iim notynk to eu ryte?
yy call miie one of yrs ryte??
wad?? jus a pretendd??
wad?? actiion2 ajer??
chiildiishh siia.
ii wantedd to enjoy muii lyfe as a teenager wiif "frenz" but i gotten the wrong one.
nvm.. onliine fer 4 years, shoo another 1 n a half yrs more.
den dey wonte see me, de shud b happy laa.(fer sure)
promiise are meant to bb broken fer dem.
iim fiindiing muii true fren.
ii donte noee, who iish.
can eu bb miine?? hah!! ii donte trust eu aniimore.
coz euu suux !!
OMG!! ii realyy mean iit.
get the hell of eurself.
okok, diiferent parts are diiferent storiies.(ferget to mentiion e above)
shoo dosen't mean iim tokiing bou eu thiis part, the whole part iish abt euu ok!!
ok laa. wanna stopp.
GO TO HELL!! (bye)
~eLiizAd <33
FUCK EU ______!!
FUCK EU ______!!
FUCK EU ______!!
FUCK EU ______!!