Monday, April 30 @ 7:48 PM
jus finish helping out eyla on hyr NEW blogg.
go add hyr upp && tag hyr too yarr!!
dhatts all =))
TakeCare bloggerz.
p/s alyssha, heyy gurl i mish eu!! im here laa! i nvr go anywhere!! hehe!!

Saturday, April 28 @ 3:14 PM
hello !!
i guess i wont b updating again.
thanks fer dropping byy.
TakeCare !!
`ELNAA eLiizAd <33

0ur Special Day~
Sunday, April 22 @ 11:12 AM
Today is offically eLiizAd 1-one AnnivesAry =))
i cnnt believe we gone diz far.
im so happy(:
we celebrated it ytd since sunday is a Family Day.
well, let the picture do e toking.

well, he bought me a CROWN* clip n some tynks too(i can't rmbr).
okk laa.
i tynk i stop here.
im still tired coz ytd go home late at nyte.
soo late at nyte =)
overall I HAV FUN.
esspecially in the MRT.
Love you daddy.
~eLiizAdd <333
p/s: thanks to whoever had wish us *winks*

Saturday, April 21 @ 12:01 PM
1 more dae to go till,
1styear eLiizAdd Annivesary.
i can't wait(:
~eLiizAdd <3333

Monday, April 9 @ 5:27 PM
hi bloghoppers.
i guess i wont b updating today.
deres notynk to update.
was a confusedd day aniwae.
p/s: i heard she wan to b frens wif me?? =]] YAY!!
~eLiizAdd <333
` Sure's now bcum UNSURE ??
` 13 more dAes to eLiizAdd 1st yr Anni.

-pity hyr
Saturday, April 7 @ 11:43 AM
jus finish reading shasha's blogg.
saddening sheyy.
kesian dier.
shasha, my advise to eu is.
if eu wanna make a decision, think abt the future later and donte regret later =]
if eu wanna share wif mie anytynk.
im owaes dere fer eu, especially for eu.
i wud help eu if i can, if eu wan me to.
TakeCare kae shasha
n sowie dhatt tyme eu online, i didn't reply eur msgg xD
i jus im done
meeting hym ltr =]
~eLiizAdd <333
`15 more daes to eLiizAd 1st yr Anni.

Friday, April 6 @ 4:32 PM
hello !!
here i am, at khayli's house updatynk.
ok laa. will update soon if anytynk happen.
see eu soon bloghoppers.
ohh yaa, still tynking wanna change bblogskins or nott =p
` 16 more days to eLiizAd 1st yr Anni.
` 15 more days to eLiizAd shOpping spree

just for fun =p
Thursday, April 5 @ 9:04 PM
hello !!
jus updating for fun.
EEFA jln2 thingy had been cancel.
nn its been postpone to dont noe wenn yet.
notynkk muchh happen nowdaes.
its still me.
still elnaa =]]
2mrw skool hols.
donte noe wanna wake upp wad tymeE?
wanna go out or nott?
~eLiizAdd <333
`17 more daes to eLiizAd 1st yr Anni.
`16 more daes to eLiizAd shopping spree

Monday, April 2 @ 8:59 AM
(e pic i upload is juz fer fun ;ignore)
juz now at 6.53am mummy wake mie up n ask wanna go skool or not.
i saed no.
den i ask mum i wanna go out for awhile den she sae ok.
sho i wear my jacket n wait fer daddy outside.
daddy cum i he hug mie.
i sae i todae nvr cum to skool.
he sae okk.
den he hug mie agaen.
haish i wish i can hug hym n nvr let go.
miss daddy laa!
3 daes nvr meet hym
MISS daddy!!
den i ask hym go skool, scared ltr late for skool.
sho daddy kiss me 3 tymes ;lip,cheek&forehead.
den go. siian! nvr saw hym animore =[
now im at home doing notynkk..
didn't go fer skool xD `siick was nt the excuse, lazy maybe.
hehehe! jkk! later going hospital.
jus now go thru ma fon, coz boriing ler.
den saw a msgg from daddy.
i was shockedd.
he sae he feel bad abt hymself.
my ex msg mie n i tynk he read it.
wen the dae i was sick, my ex ask me to go home.
den daddy saw e msgg, he feel as if he was no taking care off mie.
shoo cweet of daddy to tynk dhatt wae.
daddy also sae my ex msg ish more den hys.
dhatts not true!
daddy wasn't jelez coz he noe, i noe, everione noe he is e onli guy in my hart =]
now i noe how daddy feel. =[
i feel sho sowie n sad at e same tyme.
sowie daddy.
but no one will ever replace eu.
i promise dhat daddy.
20 more daes hor! wohoo! can't waiit =]
i tynk i stop here.
tired alreadyy. wanna sleep.
~eLiizAdd <333
`20 more daes twu 1 yrs of eLiizAd AniiversAry
`19 more daes twu eLiizAd sh0pping spree =p